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I drove well I think. I didn't make any big errors, passed decently and my launch off the line wasn't dire. The crowd is going crazy as Daniel drinks out of his sweaty race boot to celebrate his win, with George and Kimi completing the podium. I point out to Pierre that there's now a high percentage of girls here to watch us. He elbows me and I laugh.

It's about 37 degrees and that's what finally gets us away from the applause. I feel like I'm burning up. Or like I'm going to die of exhaustion. Let me get inside away from the sunlight.

We stumble back into the garage giving off a thoroughly exhausted air. The race was the hottest we've had yet. Some people change into fresh teamwear immediately, others go round shaking hands with the many random people in the pit lane today. We're starting to cause quite a stir. The place is busy with press but I have nothing on my mind but making a beeline for the nearest air vent.

"Hey Tsunoda, you got a second?"

I startle. Oh no. I forgot about this.

"Um... Sure." The woman ushers me into a corner plastered with corporate logos and I'm far too aware of what's coming.

An interview.

I've been well drilled on why these are so important.

"So Yuki, you're getting seriously famous now. How does that affect your day to day life?" She smiles patronisingly and I try not to look at the TV camera slightly to my right. If I look good here maybe I'll catch the attention of some sponsors or driver academies. I'll have to hold on to that thought.

"Uh... Yeah. It's... Really different." Oh man that barely made sense. My voice is squeaky and I'm blushing. Oh no.

"Different in what way?" She prompts gently, unsettling me with her fake kindness.

"Well uh... Stuff like this, I guess." I gesture to her with the microphone I realise I'm holding. Am I being normal enough? "And um... People recognising me. Sometimes."

"And where do you see yourself in twelve years?"


"Um... Still driving?" So awkward. "For a... For a good team in F1."

"Haha, yeah. So I hear you support Red Bull, despite growing up in Japan. Why is that?"

"Well um..." I don't know. I don't know the answer to that question. And her laugh was so fake. And the air in here is just as hot as outside. "I mean Honda... In..."

"Hey." It's Max. I say a silent thank you to whatever forces are looking out for me up there. "You know uh, Yuki doesn't speak very good English. You'd be better off interviewing George or..." He pauses and looks around for effect. "Daniel."

At the sound of his name Daniel comes bouncing over, still only wearing one shoe, and takes my place in the interview box. Cool as snow. I think about excusing myself but realise I 'don't speak English' and practically skip towards the dressing room with its air conditioning and water.

"Thanks, Max," I breathe after realising he's coming with me.

"No problem. Do you think they believed me?"

"Um... Maybe. I definitely forgot how to speak English for a minute there, anyway."

Max laughs genuinely and it soothes my clinging anxiety. It's like every time I'm stressed I just lose all access to the English part of my brain. As we walk down the corridor he tells me excitedly how he and George are level on points at the top of the table with one more race to decide it all. He pushes open the long-awaited door and blasts cool air over my skin. I get changed in my usual corner and sit down to wait. Once everyone is back together, our team principal clears his throat.

"Okay, lads. Settle down please, I have some important announcements to make." Tom stands at the head of the dressing room, waving his hands above his head for everyone to stop yelling. It was a really fun race in the end, but Valtteri's crash gave us all a shock for a few yellow-flag laps. Peter spelled out a message on a pit-board once the ambulance pulled away and we saw Lando and Mick walk away from the wreckage. "VALTTERI OK". Now everyone is in high spirits and covered in lemonade as usual, buzzing for the final race next weekend.

"Firstly, Valtteri is doing fine, he'll be discharged in the morning. For now Phil is staying with him in the hospital."

"Bet he loves that..." Daniel mumbles, making Alex and Carlos giggle. Lando exhales with relief. It can't be easy being caught up in such an enormous crash, and he was there watching as the medics took Val away. At least he's okay.

"Mick's already back at the hostel, he has a sprained wrist. Please try not to do too much playfighting until it gets better."

"Let's get him a get-well cake!" Lando chirps and I look around, bracing for Weird Old Phil to start one of his lettuce-lectures, but then I remember.

Tom shrugs. "Sure. Just one more announcement then you're free f–"

"Is it about our hotel next week?" Max grins. "We had a deal, and Kimi came fifth in Las Vegas, so..."

"I forgot about that!" Lando yells.

"Will there be a pool?"

"Listen!" Tom claps his hands. "Actually, it's bad news."

That makes everyone go quiet. I glance at Kimi but it's hard to read his face behind his sunglasses. I bite my lip instead. Valtteri and Mick are both okay, that's the main thing. But still. Bad news.

"The fact is, the next round in Seattle is cancelled. There are some problems with the track which mean we can't race there, it's impossible to fix it in time."

My lungs forget how to breathe. The final round is cancelled? A deadly silence fills the room, and then Lando starts crying.

"But what about the championship!"

"I'm not ready to go home yet!"

"Why didn't you tell us before the race!?"

My heart sinks to the bottom of my stomach as the others yell at Tom. No more racing. No more Fortress. No more road-trips with my friends. I glance at Kimi again, but his face hasn't moved since before this terrible announcement.

"Lads, listen up, please! Actually, I have some good news too."

My knuckles turn pale from gripping the bench beneath me so hard. Lando sniffles and Carlos tries to get him to wipe his eyes with a tissue.

"What good news can there be if we aren't going racing?" Max asks, looking the saddest I've ever seen him despite having just won the title.

"Actually we are going racing, Max. But we're going to Hawaii."

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