Author's Note.

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All rights to the book Vanish are reserved, and the book is Mature (16+).

This is my second book on wattpad; written and published. I definitely feel better writing this, than I did my other book. I've actually deleted my first one because of that fact alone. I find the storyline much more interesting than the last.

I should also mention that this book is smutless merely because the characters are in High School, and writing such themes along with their age makes me uncomfortable, therefore suffer, I say, if you were expecting anything of that kind.

Also, be nice to each other in the comments. I will not hesitate to block accounts and delete comments that I deem offensive. Don't be a dick.

Also, don't report my book. It's mature (16+); meaning it contains cussing, violence, bullying, abuse and whatnot.

Do not steal my book or try to pawn it off as your own; that's just disrespectful. I've spent time and energy writing this, and written a story based off of my own imagination and creativity.

I love feedback; constructive criticism is greatly appreciated, so if you find any mistakes or anything in that category; feel free to message me or write a comment in the certain passage of the book.

With that said, I really do hope you enjoy the book 'Vanish'. I really appreciate stories with strong, independent lead women, so that will be my main focus. I write out of pure entertainment which means that I will be updating whenever I get a great idea for the storyline and characters.

This story is not completed; be patient.
Started on January 18th 2021.


This is work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all of the names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this book are either the product of the author's imagination or used solely in a fictional manner. Any resemblance to real people, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental.

The author does not represent any company, business, corporation, or brand mentioned. The likeness of historical and/or famous people are only used in a fictional manner. The author does not represent or speak on behalf of aforementioned individuals. All the opinions in this book are that of the author or completely fictional.


This book deals with child abuse, overall abuse; verbal, emotional and physical, bullying, harassment and violence. The author has gone to great lengths as to deal with each topic in a respectful and compassionate manner. 

These individual topics can be troubling and/or triggering for certain individuals. Discretion is advised.

This book does not include topics such as sexual assault and sexual harassment. There's already enough books that deals with that, and this will not be one of them.

Copyright © BetweenWriters 2021

𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐒𝐇 (16+)Where stories live. Discover now