8. "Sucking out her insides."

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(A/N: Long time, no see! Hope you enjoy!)

"So you kicked him?"

"I slipped." I reprimand.

"How do you just slip? The floor wasn't even wet. There's no way for it to be wet," Maya says, her gaze incredulously locked on mine.

And she was right. It's a sunny day. There's not a single drop of rain coming from the sky. In fact, it's a 'blue sky, clear of clouds'-kind of day.

"There was this piece of gum stuck to the ground, and I stepped in it. Can you believe it?" I say, re-showing the aforementioned act of slipping.

She cocks her head in a way that just sarcastically screams 'Oh, really?'

"Y'know that kid who always obnoxiously chews gum as if it were their only source of sustenance, yeah?"

"Well," I continue, not waiting for her reply, "I'm pretty sure, gum-chewer is the culprit behind my accidental nut-busting," I nod excessively as if to prove my innocence.

Maya blows out a laugh, "Nut-busting," she mutters under her breath. "Right, sure. Because gum is so very slippery."

"You did not see the amount of saliva this kid produces, even I'm beginning to worry," I say.

She chuckles. Bingo. We got two chuckles, everybody. Tension dissolved. No reason to riot.

"I think we should call.. that overly expensive taxi-service, fuck- what's it called again?" I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion.

"The ambulance?"

I snap my fingers and point at her, "that's the one."

"Cherish. Just tell me. I won't get mad. Just tell me why?" She sighs defeatededly. I tense immediately at the phrase.

I search her face in reassurance, honestly hoping that she'll stick to her promise of not getting angry and snapping.

Just tell me why. I won't get mad.

Fuck, that haunts me. So much. The unspoken truth is that, yes, she'll definitely get mad. Anyone would. She also hates this stuff. Violence, that is.

It haunts me so fucking much.

Also, because of The Backstr- I can't even say it. I inwardly shudder. Not them. The greasy bleached hair and- Oh goodness. The beards.

I sigh, averting my gaze from hers, "I don't want you to think I'm violent like that," I mutter.

"I'm not even mad, Cherish. I don't hold any power over your decisions. We need to communicate with each other. You know I don't like violence, but I trust you. I trust your decision of the accidental busting of the asshole's nuts," she says, pulling me into a hug.

This is weird. Everything is so weird.

Sensing my discomfort, she pulls away with an apologetic look on her face. "Sorry, I should've asked before I just started hugging you," she sheepishly smile.

I adjust my shoulders, shaking away her touch. "Right, but," my hand rubs over my skin, where the heat of her still lingers, "this is good. It's all good. Just ask next time, yeah?" I say. She nods sweetly.

That was a hug. That's what they feel like.

Maya clasps her hands together as if to end the topic. I flinch. She fortunately doesn't notice as she starts talking about a secret-pact that she had made with the lunch-ladies.

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