Not An Update.

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Author's Note: 1. May 2021

To whom it may concern,
I'm putting this book on hold.

First of all, I'd like to thank you for reading my book. I feel so grateful that you, my reader, want to spend your time and energy on reading my story.

Therefore, thank you so fucking much. It means the world.

Second of all, we've reached 85 reads!!! AHHH

"Ahem." Imagine me correcting my dark grey, thin tie and buttoning my suit jacket, also running bloodshot hands down my fitted dress pants in the process. "Let's get down to business."

A few chapters ago in an A/N, I was cocky enough to say that I didn't need to plan out my book. That I would just go with the flow.

Holy periodstain on white sheets washed with the red load of laundry did I fuck up.

I've had serious writer's block because of my lack of storyline and plot. I didn't know what to write. I've got so many ideas for this book, but I can't just write without a fucking plan. It'll go haywire.

I don't want to rewrite this in the future, because of plot holes and shitty character development. When I'm done with the book, I want to be 100% done.

I want to be completely satisfied with the outcome.

So, I've decided to sit down and plan it out. I don't know how long it'll take since I've never really planned a book before,

but I want to give it my best shot.

Not some half-arsed attempt at a storyline that I'd hate to read myself. So, that's what I'm doing.

I'll see you in the flip side.

My best regards,
- Dia, the author, A.K.A. me and the haunting of hindsight.

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