Chapter 18

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After all, this was discussed we moved towards the dining room for dinner but I was lost in my thoughts. I hardly ate anything even when my favorite food was offered to me. And that’s when Asher mind linked me asking ‘what’s the matter? Why was I so lost and not having food?’ This made me look up from my plate and I looked towards him and answered him a “ Nothing, I’m alright. Just don’t have the appetite tonight, nothing else.” Asher doesn’t questions me anymore and continues with his food. I had to talk to my friends as soon as possible and let them know about everything that is going on with me. So I just quietly wait for the dinner to get over so that I could call my friends over.
Moon Goddess was on my side today and soon enough dinner was over and the Alpha and their family left early because they had to do preparations for tomorrow. Although while leaving Asher mind linked me and said that I shall call him if I’m not able to cope up with everything that is going on. I just answer a simple ‘Yes’ and then they leave for their home. The moment they left I quickly dropped a message on our chat group asking Peter and Brianna to meet me at my place asap because it was ‘URGENT’.
I did not have to wait long for them. They arrived at my house ten minutes after I had sent the message. Pretty fast. And now once we all were settled in my room, I clear my throat to start talking. “ Well, firstly I’m sorry for calling you all to meet me at the very last moment but you all know it’s an emergency, otherwise I would never do such a thing.” And before I could continue with my rant, Brianna very shamelessly cut me in between to say ‘ Shut up you moron. And now stop being so formal and vomit out everything already.’ I just giggle but anyway continue, “So you remember Peter how I had said that I would like to meet you all an hour early today before the lectures started but couldn’t meet because Brianna was late as usual?” Peter nods his head recalling everything. And I continue, “So I’m pretty much sure that you all must have figured out by now that Asher is my mate with everything that happened on my birthday right?” They say, “Yes. So?”
I take in a deep breath and continue, “So, Asher is my mate and you all know that I pretty much don’t share a very good relationship with him. Though Asher and I have come to terms of at least being friends with each other because we had to start somewhere or the other.”
Brianna and Peter both say together, “Well that’s great isn’t it? Where is the problem with that?” And I reply, “There no problem with that but…” “But?” They pipe in together again. “But the Alpha has decided to keep my formal introduction to the pack ceremony tomorrow. And you guys know what that means.” I say. They nod their head in understanding which was followed by a long pause after which Brianna says, “Do you really not like Asher?” “ It’s not that. It’s somewhere between neither I like him nor I dislike him. But given some time to spend together, understand each other, this might change. And I might start liking or loving Asher. But now I seriously don’t know” is what I say to Brianna. Soon Peter pipes in and says, “ Do you have another option?” I shake my head indicating a ‘No’. So he continues, “Right. Then I would suggest you to go forward with it. I know you didn’t have the best of memories with Asher but I can guarantee you that he is a good guy and will take good care of you. Plus he is your brother’s best friend, thus he will always have this in mind before hurting you that you are Chris’s sister. And plus he is the future Alpha of our pack and he is a guy who does his duty really well. Thus, I’m sure he won’t play with your heart but would take good care of it. And just in case if you ever feel that he is doing something wrong, just come to us and we shall beat him to a pulp for hurting you.” This last statement by Peter puts a smile on my face. And Brianna also seems to agree with whatever Peter said though she adds that, “Alyne it’s okay just go with the flow and do what you have to do, rest leave it on the moon goddess. She will never give us pains which we won’t be able to handle and then Peter and I are always there for you.”
I was relieved listening to them and about the fact how they would support me no matter what. I was lucky to have them as my best friends. I was still not very sure of how would I manage being a Luna forget about the pain that I would have to endure while Asher would mark me but I was okay because my family and friends supported me and I knew that fact they would rescue me the moment I would I say, “I would want to back out and not continue with it anymore’. And the chances of it happening was rare but still, this thought gave me immense satisfaction and courage to move forward with the ceremony.

Here it is, a new chapter. Show some love. Keep reading 💕

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