Chapter 35

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As we move out of the tunnel, I see that it is a new day moving towards it end. It was already evening now, with a dusky sky, the atmosphere around us was very serene unlike our situation. As we move a bit far away from the tunnel, I could see our warriors from the Silver Moon pack ready for the battle, and it brought a sense of relief to me, knowing that we were not alone and we had back up. I felt weak and exhaustion from the over usage of my power made me dizzy, but I had to be strong and stand straight, as I had to protect my Asher, Chris, Kiara and my pack from the evil King and his ugly motives.
Tomorrow was the full moon and was not just any ordinary full moon, it was red blood moon tomorrow, which also meant that my powers were going to be at it’s peak but it also had a side effect which was a very strong full moon heightening my powers will also cause me to be on edge, cranky and stubborn the whole day, which won’t be a pretty site to held. But more than that I was fearing something else, and that was “I and Asher had not yet mated with each other, even after being together for so long but even that isn’t the problem, well that is kind off. Our mating wouldn’t have mattered if Asher wouldn’t have marked me but he did, so there are high chances that tomorrow during the full blood moon, because of my powers being at it’s peak, I might also go into heat. Meaning we would have to completing the mating process.” And it also meant that we have to be out of this place as soon as possible before 12 midnight today because the moment the clock strike 12 at night today, my powers will start rising making me more stronger than ever.
While I was busy lost in my thoughts, Asher came and stood beside me and asked, ‘Alyne are you alright? Will you be able to hang in there for some more time?’ I nod my head answering him, not in the condition to talk a lot. I also let him know about my thoughts via the mind link and he was shocked to know about the fact that I’ll become more powerful on the full blood moon and he also said that he figured out the mating part because of the fact that King was eagerly waiting for this chance even when I was not his mate, so we being mates and the fact that he had marked me would eventually lead to a situation like that. And while we were busy talking about the future, Chris took this time bond over with his mate Kiara. From the corner of my eyes, I could see that they were hugging the life out of each other. But all our happiness is short lived when we hear the loud sinister voice of the King.
“Ah I see, a family reunion is going on. But sadly I’m not a very big fan of families and so a family reunion is what I can’t let happen. And especially not after my beloved Queen decided to kill many of my men and her lover having the audacity to try and kill me. Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, sad.”
Listening to this I could see Chris and Asher becoming furious and Grey and Rey ready to take over and kill this King once and for all but I ask all of them to stay calm and first take a look of our surroundings and gauge the positions of the King’s men so that it would be easier for us to have a upper hand during the battle. While Chris and Asher tried focusing their hearing powers in understanding the positions of the King’s men, I motion Kiara to come and stand beside me because she was the weakest one amongst us as she was just a normal werewolf and she was not yet a part of our pack so we couldn’t contact her via the mindlink. And the moment Kiara comes and stands beside me, the Bulky guy among the King’s men suddenly sprang out of nowhere and pointed a silver at Kiara’s neck, seeing this I sense Grey Chris’s wolf on edge, ready to pounce on the bulky guy but he was on Kiara’s right while the bulky guy had held knife at Kiara from behind while I was on her left and the guy was left handed, thus holding the knife with his left hand. And so it was easier for me attack him than Chris.
But I also knew about the fact that if I told Chris to withhold his actions, he would get angry because his mate’s life was at risk, so I had to be cautious before I take any action. The blade of the Silver knife was almost piercing into Kiara’s skin and Chris was about to attack the bulky guy but before he could do any such thing. A storm rose and all the dried leaves and dust rose from the ground creating a blurry environment making it hard for us to see clearly and in that moment all the King’s men take their positions behind each one of us. Leaving no chance for us to attack.
As the storm died down, I look around to see that all our warriors including the four of us were surrounded by the rouges. But Asher quickly uses his brain and mindlinks Chris and me and tells us next move to escape from here. He says, “Alyne the bulky guy is still holding the knife near Kiara’s neck, you shall just him and burn his shoulder a bit, only for him to take the knife away from Kiara and the moment he does that Chris will kick him down, while you and Kiara will use this chance to run away from here and I will be your cover until you move out of this territory.” And Asher’s plan did not please me, I was about to protest but my brother knew me very well, thus even before I could utter my disappointment, he said, “Alyne I don’t want you or Kiara to get hurt. You have already exhausted yourself and the wolfsbane is also not helping much and one more fight on your end, it will be difficult for us to save you. So it’s a request do as Asher has asked you to. Please.”
I just nod head because I had no other option, I knew I could manage another fight but not Kiara and I being the future Luna couldn’t risk the future Beta female’s life in danger. I had to do it for her. So I do as asked, I slowly lift my hand and place it on the bulky guy’s shoulder but before he could react I burn him only enough for him to move away from Kiara and the moment he does that, Chris leaps at him and Asher takes a cover in front of us so that we make a run out of this place. I quickly grab Kiara’s hand and start running towards the south which was the way to our pack, and behind us I could hear Asher fighting the wolves along with Chris and our warriors. The King almost went crazy looking at it and started attacking our warriors like a mad man.
But I along with Kiara kept on running without looking back, hoping that they would be able to manage without me. Twenty minutes later we were now faraway from the King’s hideout and we stop to inhale some air as we were out of breaths for running so long. My legs were wobbly with the lack of energy in my body but I somehow manage to get a hold of myself and then ask Kiara to not move anywhere and stay put where she was standing now and I quickly make a safety circle around her. It was almost close to midnight now and I my powers and sense were already performing at their best, so as long as Kiara stayed put inside the circle no one will be able to harm her. Kiara not understanding what is going on asks me, so I explain to her that no one will be able to harm her as long as she was inside this circle and even someone tried to set a foot inside this circle they would be burned. And telling this, I sprint back to the way I came from because my mate bond and heightened senses told me that my mate and brother were in risk now and I had to save them.

Happy Reading my dear readers 💜

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