Chapter 8

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As I was busy contemplating the chances of Asher being a good responsible Alpha, he once again honked and tried gaining my attention but I very nicely ignored him and moved forward. But Asher, like a stubborn kid didn’t leave me and move away instead kept on following me by slowly driving beside me. And after a point of time, I couldn’t take it anymore so I turned around to ask him why is he following me and doesn’t he have any work to do? And to answer my question he stops the car and then says’ “I do have work to do Alyne baby but I was just passing by and saw you heading home, so I thought I should be a good guy and give you a lift.”
On the other hand, I was standing quietly with my left eyebrow raised, listening to his very weird reason and language. I mean from where the thought of being a good guy comes from suddenly after 21 years, it never happened before, and what’s with calling me baby, like seriously what the hell is up with him? Why was he behaving so weird? He was waiting for my reaction but I wasn’t going to give him that satisfaction and I smiled an evil smile in my mind and started walking again. But he also gets out of the car and starts walking by my side saying that “If that’s what you want, then let’s walk back home together. It’s not that bad and the weather is great indeed.” I was stunned listening to his words, what was he trying to do, leaving his car in the middle of the road, and walking with me back home? I had to ask about his car and so I did, “What about your car? You are going to leave it stranded in the middle of the road?” To which he replies, “No, not at all. I have already asked a pack member to drive it back home.”
And just like that in silence, walking side by side we reached home. Shocking right? Even I’m shocked that how come Asher and I did not bicker even for once, it was just silence surrounding us which was neither awkward nor pleasant but plain ok. Once we reached near his place, he insisted on walking with me and drop me first but I rejected his idea. I said that it was Ok and I can walk back home from here, it was just a 10-minute walk from his humble abode. He wanted to oppose me but I didn’t let do any such thing.
Once I reached home, I was tired and wanted to sleep, so I quickly informed my mom to have dinner without me and leave my food in the microwave, whenever I feel like eating, I’ll heat it and have it. Then, I enter my room, keep the belongings at their proper place, take a quick shower, and go to sleep. What a weird day it was!!!
It has been a week since the day Asher and I walked home together and ever since Asher tries and finds some or the other stupid reasons to either talk to me, meet me or even drop me home. And it was pissing me off, I even talked to Chris about it but he asked me to ignore Asher saying that he might be out of his mind for some reason and he will talk to him and knock some sense into his empty brains. I was gladly waiting for that to happen but I wasn’t lucky enough to experience such a bliss of him being roasted by my brother because before all of that could happen he and my brother had to go visit the neighboring pack for some issues. Well, and they did not return back home until a day before my birthday.
Tomorrow was my birthday and everyone around me was very excited about it except me. Well, they were all happy because they were very sure that I’m going to find my mate tomorrow at any cost, so it was a celebration for them. But my question was that my birthday could also turn out like my brother’s when he couldn’t find his mate on his 21st birthday. He was taunted and even was gossiped even after being the son of the current Beta and their future Beta. Well, people and their annoying behaviors. But my parents were very optimistic that nothing of that sort would happen with me, and I shall find my mate tomorrow on my 21st birthday. Anyways, we shall see.

Here's yet another update, please keep reading. 🤗

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