Chapter 10

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Asher’s POV:
It was Alyne’s 21st birthday today and she was going to find out today that I’m her mate. I don’t know how she will react when she gets to know the truth, I’m just hoping for the best. I wanted to spend the whole day with her but I couldn’t. I was called into the neighboring pack for discussing the rogues' issues that they are facing for the past few days. They wanted to meet me today itself after they lost one of their warrior’s yesterday during one such attack. I was ready to decline the offer but Chris said that we shouldn’t do that because a few days back some of our pack members including Alyne were attacked by the rogues thus we shouldn’t take any chances, instead go and meet them and see if they have gathered any information regarding the rogues and their reason behind the constant attacks. So we ended up going to sort the matter at hand and since I was going to be the future Alpha soon, my father insisted that I start learning everything, thus whenever it was some outdoor work, Chris and I went instead of our fathers.
And the whole day went by just like that, busy in conducting meetings, we even hardly had time to eat or contact anyone regarding the delay in our return. When it was around eight at night Chris sneaked out for a minute and texted his mom that we were almost done and shall return in some time. And now it was close to midnight when we reached home. I had almost thought that I would miss the chance of meeting Alyne on her most important day when she finds out about me. But now when I was so close to meet her, I was scared and nervous thinking about her reaction. Would she accept me? She won’t reject me right? And if she does, then what am I to do? No, no I can’t and I won’t let that happen.
And seeing me worrying about meeting my mate, Chris laughed out loud saying, “I had never thought of seeing the big bad Alpha being scared and nervous to meet his mate.” I just glare at him and he shuts up while raising his hands in surrender. Once we reach the packhouse, I ask Chris to go in and say that I’ll join him once I park the car. He nods and moves ahead, in the meanwhile I park the car and give myself a pep talk that “It will be alright and Alyne won’t get mad once she gets to know that I’m her mate” and go inside.
But the moment I enter the party room and Alyne turns around to have a look at me because she must have definitely smelt my fragrance, she is shocked and unable to take the shock, she faints and I’m stunned. I never expected this kind of reaction from her. But before I could even understand what’s going on, Rey takes over and rushes towards Alyne seeing her unconscious in Chris’s arms. I call out her name softly, “Alyne, Alyne can you hear me, baby?” And this earned a gasp from everyone around because finally, they understood who was my mate. But I ignore all of that and gently scoop her up in my arms and take her to my room in the packhouse, while my parents, Alyne’s parents, and Chris follow suit.
Once I lay her down on the bed, my mum asks Dr.Evelina to check on Alyne. I didn’t even know that she had already notified her, indeed a perfect Luna. Once Evelina checked Alyne, she informed us that she is perfectly fine and is unconscious because of the shock that received when she got to know that I’m her mate. We thank her and eagerly wait for Alyne to gain consciousness. In the meanwhile, my parents decide it is the best only for me to stay back and the rest of them can come back later or if needed I shall call them because it’s time that Alyne and I talk it out without their interference.
My brain was still not working properly so I just nod and they all leave the room and now it is only Alyne and me in the room. I have a look at her fragile pale body lying unconscious on the bed and my heart aches for her. As I take a seat beside her on the bed and hold her hand and say, “Please wake up soon. I know you are not very happy to find me as your mate but I promise you to take care of you, love you and cherish you forever. Also, I promise you that I will try and be a better person for you whom you will be proud of in the future. I promise, please wake up.”
An hour later, I feel some movements beside me and I wake up from my slumber. I might have dozed off beside her, waiting for her to gain consciousness. I sit straight and look towards Alyne who was struggling to open her eyes but slowly she does and looks towards me, our eyes meet and time stops there itself. We get lost in each other’s eyes. But soon this romantic moment is broken when Alyne remembers that it was me, Asher, her mate whom she probably hates.  

Another update just for my dear readers.
Keep reading 🤗

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