Chapter 5

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I slowly open my eyes and find myself lying on a bed which was not mine, and I understand that I was in the pack house. I did not feel as much pain as I felt earlier, and I wanted to drink some water now because my throat was dry and felt like the Sahara desert. I looked around to see if anyone was there in the room and what I saw left me shocked because I see only Asher sitting on a chair in the corner of the room with his hands holding his head as if he was very tensed and did not know what to do and what not? Having no other options I call out for water. “Water, I need water”. And this jerked him back to reality. He rushed towards me and sighed in relief as if he was brought back to life seeing me gain back my consciousness, and I did not understand the reason behind it? Like why would he be worried about me? We clearly were not on good terms, forget that we even hardly spoke to each other, so caring for one another was out of the question. But at this moment, I did not have any energy left to ponder on such useless thoughts, thus quietly took the glass of water that he offered me.
And within minutes I see Chris, my parents, the Alpha and the Luna, my friends and their mates minus Brianna because she was also hurt and was now resting in her room,  rushed in asking me whether I’m alright or not? I just nod my head in the affirmation that I’m okay. They all sigh in relief. My mom comes by my side and hands me a plate of fruits, I say I don’t feel like eating it but one hard stare from her and I quickly start eating. After that, they ask me to rest a bit more and leave the room, only my friends, Chris and Asher stay behind. I know all of them wanted to know what happened that made me and Brianna so injured? So, Chris comes and sits beside me while Asher takes his seat back at the corner of the room whereas Alex, Peter, and Kate take the sofa. Chris asks me how are you feeling now? I honestly answer that the pain has subsided now but it is still there, he nods and in return, I ask about Brianna. To which Alex replies, she is all ok, most of her bruises have been healed but she is still sleeping because of the high doses given by Evelina. I say okay. Chris again speaks and now asks me to give me the exact details of what happened and how did Brianna and I end up all covered in bruises? So, I narrate everything but leaving out the parts where I had used my powers and had burned those rogues down. They all listen very intently but Chris asks me through the mind link that whether I had used my powers or not, and to answer his question I give a small nod looking at him and he understands as to why it had affected me so much when it shouldn’t have. But all the while Asher was sitting quietly in a corner and listening to whatever I was saying which was weird. But soon enough the silence was broken and his rough voice boomed in through the room when he asked if I remember anything specific about the rogues or did they say anything about their motive to attack our pack members? But I don’t recall any such thing so nod in disagreement. He says ok and then continues talking which not only shocks me to the core but also makes me see red. He says that hereafter I’m not allowed to go out of the pack borders without his permission, even with my friends and if I have to do that for any emergency or important reasons then I shall be accompanied by either my brother, him, or any pack warrior like Alex.
This made me angry but what made me angrier was that my brother and my friends agreed to this stupid idea of Asher’s. Can you believe it? It was like I didn’t even know them anymore but who said I was going to back down so easily without putting up a fight? And I growled to show my opinion about how I did not like what he just said and how my brother and friends supported that. I also said that I will be doing no such thing and nobody can stop me, so he better stay within his limits and not make me angrier than I already am by speaking more bullshit because then it won’t be good. Chris understood what I meant by this so he quickly got a hold of my hand and started drawing circles on my palm so that I could calm down. But that was not helping because Asher was still digging draggers at my head by staring at me continuously. I mean what the hell was his problem? Why was he making it such a big deal when my own family was okay about it because they know that I can manage myself well enough.
But no this bullhead Asher did not understand this simple thing. And I had to make sure that he understands that, so I ask Chris through the mind link to help me by asking my friends to leave the room because I did not want to make a scene in front of them. Thus he makes them leave the room by saying that it was a hard day for everyone so it is better if we all rest now and talk about all these later on and they easily agree to it and leave the room. Now it was only Chris, Asher, and me in the room and the tension was so thick that you could even cut it with a knife.

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