Chapter 68

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Friday was rather uneventful. There was a lot of packing and helping Grandma cook. Riley made Alex get out of bed at a decent time and help him finish the wiring for the projector. Apparently five guys could not put up a projector in three hours. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised; it took three guys, well four if you count my dad who originally gave the locket to my mom, to give a perfect gift.

Ally, Justin, and I ended up walking the dog, but she didn't really like the leash, so we took turns carrying her. I had taken to calling her 'my girl' and so did everyone else. If I didn't come up with a name for her soon, she probably would start responding to it.

"You're family's coming tomorrow, right Justin?" I asked while we sat on some rocks where the walking bridge used to be.

"Of course, I'm pretty sure my mom's over there right now cooking with Nana."

"Good, um, would you mind coming on Sunday too?" I knew this was a lot to ask of him.

"Ooo, meeting the family!" Ally taunted.

"You are too, Al," I said with a roll of my eyes.

"I am?"

"Of course, you have to see how weird my family is so you understand that I'm the normal one." They both laughed and then Ally complained about her butt freezing so we started walking again.

Justin held my hand and tugged it a little so we fell behind. "You really want me to come?"



"I wish I had a better answer, but if you're there, my family will...well they'll be crazy and embarrassing, but at least they won't focus on the fact that we are missing three family members."


I nodded. "My cousin lost her son to SIDS."

Justin's face dropped and put an arm around me. "Okay then, when do we leave?"

I smiled back ready to answer, but Ally interrupted me. "Come on lovebirds. I know what you're doing back there."

"She is way too much like Vince." Justin laughed in agreement with me.

Saturday went well. My cousin's gushed over the puppy and Justin. Kate and Jeff seemed like part of the family. I mean they were family to me, but Jeff picked on my cousins just like my dad would and they gave it right back to him. Riley had no problem fitting in. He had already met them all multiple times and at least this time it was for a happy celebration.

"What are you going to name her?" One of my cousins asked while we sat in the living room. Aunt Jenny was holding the puppy at the moment. I don't think the dog had been set down since the first guest arrived.

"I don't know. I've been calling her my girl for now." I shrugged.

"She seems to respond to my." Jenny commented.

"Well then, maybe something with my in it like Maya or my, my, my oh my." I laughed. "Miley!" I said a bit loud making the people in the kitchen look up from their card game. "Miley, my Miley from Riley!" I looked over at Riley who gave me a wink. "That settles it," I went to take the dog from Jenny. "My girl is now Miley." The dog really didn't seem to care, but I liked the name.

The day went by too quickly. Soon there was no more potato salad and everyone was leaving. I didn't realize how exhausted I was until I plopped onto the couch next to Justin. His family was still here, I think Jeff and Riley were cleaning the basement while Kate helped Grandma with dishes.

"Why is family so exhausting?" I toyed with the locket around my neck.

"You're exhausted?" Justin said sarcastically from beside me. "Try being prodded and poked and questioned all day!"

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