Something New:

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~Edythe's Pov~

I wake up early, when I hear Aaron's alarm for work go off. I wish I could keep him home with me today, but I know this isn't reasonable. I haven't seen him in months, I miss him, but I can't keep him from saving someone's life. He rolls over to me, wrapping me in his arms. He groans and I smile. "Get off of me." I joke, trying to wiggle out of his grip. "Nooo, I don't want to." He complains. "You have to go to work." I say sternly. "I just got you back." He says softly in my ear. "I know, but you have to go to work, and I have to go to therapy. Then I have to meet up with Mason and the crew to discuss our next steps for them." I bury my head into his chest. "You have to go to work, save some lives. Then you can come back home, to Jack and I." I explain. "Ughh, fine. I'll go to work." He lets go of his grip on me and I pull myself back toward him. "I thought I had work." He teases. "Yes, but five more minutes can't hurt." He tucks my hair behind my ear and kisses me. "I've missed you so much." He says once he pulls away. "I missed you too." I state truthfully. I know I was a bit harsh on him that day, and it may take time to get back into the swing of things with everyone. But, I really do love my team, they're my family, Aaron and Jack they are my family. I'm not really sure what I would do without them, there isn't any lengths I'm not willing to go for them. "Go get ready for work." I roll onto my back and look at the ceiling once five minutes passed. He gets up stretching, while letting out a loud yawn. "I'll put on a pot of coffee." I get out of bed wrapping myself in a warm, fuzzy robe. I walk into the kitchen as I tie the robe around my waist. Nothing has changed about his house, everything is in its place. I fill the coffee maker with water, enough for the both of us. While I wait for that to make, I decide to go and check on Jack. 

When I walk into his room, he's sound asleep In his crib. I smile at him, I know he isn't mine, but I love him as if he were. I stand here for a few minutes listening to the clock tick on the wall, and the shower water running. I take a deep breath, reminding myself that this isn't a dream. It's real life, I am really back home, no one is going to hurt anyone of us again. I shake my head, putting my hand to my head. Just breathe. I whisper to myself. My father is in jail now, there's nothing he can do to me or my family anymore. Unless he escapes...I groan softly at the thought of this. I should've killed him when I had the chance, but I couldn't, I just couldn't seem to pull the trigger. I walk to the bathroom door, raising my hand to knock on it. I change my mind quickly before heading to the kitchen. I want to talk to him about what's on my mind, but I don't want to worry him. I can't be a distraction to him. I pull out a pan, so that I could make a quick breakfast sandwich for him to take with him to work. I add butter to the pan along with the bread. I put cheese onto both slices. While I wait for the cheese to melt I pour his coffee into a coffee cup, so that he could take it with him. I out the slices of bread onto foil while I fry an egg to go onto it. I cook bacon in another pan. I listen as the shower turns off as I put the egg and bacon onto the bread and wrapping it into the foil to stay warm. I then repeat this process, to make myself one. 

He walks into the kitchen while he cuffed his sleeves. "It smells so good in here." He says looking down at me. "Of course it does, I cooked." I gesture to his food on the table. "Thank you." He says with a smile. "You sure you're going to be going today?" He asks. "Yeah, I'm fine." He looks at me worriedly. "I promise." I reassure. "I can call Jessica, If it's too much." He tries to lighten my load. "I promise, it's fine. Plus, I missed Jack too." I say with a small shrug, looking down at my plate. The last time I spoke about Jack with him, I stepped over a line. Trying to tell Aaron how to parent. I struck a nerve, I don't want to do that again. "Okay, if you change your mind, call me." He says with a light smile. "I will." He walks around the table to place a kiss on my head before grabbing his things and leaving. "I'll call you, when I'm on my way home." 

"Okay." I call back out as the door shuts. I look down at my half-eaten sandwich. I stand up, taking the plate in my hand and dump the sandwich in the trashcan. I clean the kitchen a bit before checking on Jack again. I look at the time and pick him up. He slowly wakes up due to the shift of movement. I give him a quick bath before getting him dressed for the day. I grab the baby straddle, after putting him in his carseat. I refuse to lug around the carseat all day, it makes him ten times heavier than he really is. I get into the car and drive to the BAU to meet with my therapist. 

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