Without You:

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~Season 12 Spoils, some of this plot was changed to fit my storyline and characters


~Aaron's pov~

I sip at my glass of whiskey as I wait for my alarm to go off indicating that I have work. Once it does at 8:30am as usual I shut it off. I peak my head into Jack's room, he's still asleep so I should have time to get ready for the day. It's going to be a long one. I put on the coffee to make as I take a quick shower. I step out wrapping the towel around my waist. Jack starts crying as I stick my toothbrush in my mouth and I groan slightly. I quickly brush my teeth wishing Edythe was here. She would usually take care of him while I got ready and vice versa. It made things easier, she made things easier.  I sigh as I spit into the sink washing the toothpaste from around it. I walk into Jack's room and pick him up. "What's wrong hm?" I peck his cheek as I walk down to the room next to his, my room. I go through my closet grabbing a shirt. "I have to lay you down now so that I can get dressed please don't cry." I lay him in the center of the bed. I dry off and get dressed. I button up my shirt throwing the jacket over it. I glance at the time before picking Jack back up and going into the kitchen. "Where's your ant-" I grab a cup from the cupboard. "I need to get to work." I pour coffee into the mug mixing in cream and sugar. The door bell rings and a part of me wishes for it to be Edythe but I know it's only Jessica. I open the door and she greets me quickly before turning her attention to Jack. "Hi, baby, good morning." She coos at him still in my arms. She grabs him as I invite him in. I grab my mug and chug down my coffee. "Uh, call me if anything happens." She nods. "Tell your father he doesn't need to worry about us." She speaks looking to Jack tapping his nose lightly. This makes him laugh. I smile slightly and grab my keys from the hook. She looks down the hall then back to me. "Your girlfriend playing hooky today? Or she's finally tired of me?" Jessica tries joking but I ignore her. "Come on it was a joke Aaron lighten up." I shake my head. "Lock the door behind me please." 

Once I arrive I work I go straight into my office shutting the door. I rathe not be bothered unless necessary today. I grab a stack of files and get started. I might as well get my work done. Stop being so sad and focus on something worth thinking about. I watch as the team files in, creating small chatter amongst themselves as we wait for JJ to present us with a case. "Woah, woah woah, what's going on here-" Morgan says as Emily opens the door. I look up from my papers and over at her. "Yes?" I raise an eyebrow. "Some guy claims he needs to talk to us, he bypassed security and we've been asking him to leave, he claims he knows you." I glance out the window over at everyone to see an unfamiliar face. "You don't know him do you?" I shake my head standing. "Not at all." I walk out with her down the few stairs over to the team. "We've asked you to leave multiple times- at this point I'll throw you out myself-" 

"What seem's to be the issue?" I ask looking over at the unidentified man. "I'm a friend of Edythe's, Your Aaron Hotchner right?" He asks looking for confirmation. "How do you know Edythe?" I question getting defensive, or protective, maybe a bit of both. She told me she had to leave. Maybe she was right people were getting to close, she didn't want to bring trouble to us. "We go way back-" I raise my eyebrow, crossing my arms over my chest not believing this guy. Edythe had no friends outside of this team. "My apologies. I'm Mason." He reaches out his hand to shake mine and I take it slowly. "Edythe isn't here." I state. "Yeah, I know that's what I came to talk to you all about." So much for a friend. I glance at my team giving them an 'I don't trust this guy' look. If he's her friend he would've known that she decided to leave, move away, throw away everything she has here, friends, family, work. "When was the last time you seen her?" 

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