I'm Sorry:

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Garcia's Pov:

Hotchner asked me to stay behind so that we could talk for a few minutes. I could feel myself getting nervous. This is something I shouldn't be in the middle of, yet here I am. I should've walked away. I knew I should've walked away. Now there's this big secret pounding at the back of my head that I'm going to have to keep to myself forever. which is impossible because I always have to tell someone. "Shut the door please." He orders and I do so. I look out of the window at the team and I could see Morgan's concerned look along side everyone else's puzzled look; Everyone except for Edythe's. She has a frown on her face, and concern but not the same look as Derek's.

 She's worried that I'm going to slip up.  I turn back at Hotch. "So..what did you want to talk about sir?" I ask playing dumb. Apart of me hoping he's going to ask me to join the team on the flight today, I usually wouldn't enjoy this thought but anything is better than talking about what I heard earlier. 

"We need to talk about this morning. You can't tell anyone about what you heard today. No one was suppose to know, she doesn't want anyone to know can you respect that?" I nod slowly. "You have to be sure." He adds. "Yes." I say aloud. "I'm not going to tell anyone." He nods.  "Thank you...and Penelope..She's innoncent in all this. She didn't know anything. Please be nice to her she's going through alot." He can't help but still protect her in ways he can. From afar because, it seems she won't let him close again. I nod sympathetically.  "You're dismissed." He says gesturing to the door. I glance at Edythe as I walk down to my own personal bat cave. I sit down and put my face in my hands. There's no way I can tell anyone about this. This could ruin them both. I sigh as I make a mental note to talk to Edythe later about everything. I guess that's why she's been off lately. I hope today will be better for her.

Emily's Pov:

We all board the jet and take our seats. I look around as everyone is talking spitting off ideas to one another. I start to speak but Garcia patches into the call and. she greets everyone. "Hi my fuzzy friends I got an update on our latest victim." She starts. "Update?" I ask confused. "Yeah, turns out that he didn't actually die. He's in recovery." She explains. "Can you find out what hospital?" Morgan asks and she gasp pretending to be hurt. "You should know I've already done that hot stuff." 

"The name Garcia." Hotch says trying to get back to the point of the conversation. "Right, Madison's Memorial Hospital, I sent you all the address." She says. "Thanks Penelope." Rossi says easing into the team quite easily. "Anything for you all, PG out." She holds up a peace sign before hanging up the video conference. "Emily and Rossi I want you two to head over to the hospital, see if there's anything the victim remembers about the unsub." I nod and Rossi turns to me. "Looks like we'll going on a little ride." He says raising his eyebrows."The rest of the team will help me set up at the station and sort through case files, Reid I want you to start working on a geographic profile." Reid gives a small nod in response and looks back down at the files in his hands. He turns to Edythe showing her something in the files which encapsulates her.

Once we land we all quickly go off and do what we were instructed to do. Rossi and I find a car quickly and head straight to the hospital when we land. Everyone else goes to the police station. Once we arrive we go inside. We show the man at the desk our badges and we ask him to direct us to the room of the victim. Damien Fitzgerald. He's 28 years old. He has a daughter, he's a single parent. We walk into the room and Rossi introduces us. "Hi, I'm SSA David Rossi and this is my partner Emily Prentiss." We put out badges away. "We would like to take a moment of your time and ask a few questions about what happened to you. Anything about that night you can remember, the weather, the smell, people around you. Damien frowns for a second unsure of how to reply. "There's no wrong answers. Anything can help us find the person that did this to you. Even the smallest detail you can think of even if you don't think it's important." I say reassuring him. "It was dark." He starts. "Do you know where you are?" 

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