Chapter Twenty Four

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Thanatos' POV

"That is not how you do it"

"Well you do get the same answer right?"

"Yes, but I don't think you can do that with other equa—"

"Then it's fine! I got the same answer anyways" Mitch giggled and continued to do her work.

I frown even more when I saw the look on that fucking Jaxton's eyes as he look at what's mine.

"You should stop glaring at the dude"

"You should shut your fucking mouth" I snarled at Sam. "You're pushed back here as well, you aren't really one to talk"

He just shrugged at me and continued to sip his orange juice. Sam and I was pushed back to the other side of the room. Sam almost landed a punch on that Jaxton (sure wish it wasn't an almost) for getting too close to Cosette and I was leeching myself to Mitch to the point that she can't study properly.

"Guys, stop making that long face"

We both looked up to see Beau grinning at us.

"Shut up" I said.

"Why aren't you kicked out anyways?" Sam asked.

"Well, I am on the verge of being kicked out actually so I am refraining myself not to so I won't be like you guys" he wiggled his eyebrows at us.

"You little fuck—"

"Also, I don't think you would like it if the three girls would be left with Jaxton over there"

"Fair point" Sam said. "Go back now"

He grinned widely at us and went skipping back to the group. I breathed out and laid down the couch. Hopefully, this would end already so I can have some alone time with Mitch.

"You gonna sleep?" Sam asked.

"I don't know, you?"

"Finish my game" he answered. He took out his phone and started to fiddle around with it.

I rolled my eyes and placed my arm over my head. He always does some weird stuffs and there was this time that he hacked the security of the National Bank just to see if it really is a high 'High Security'.

"I'm going to doze off" I said before closing my eyes.


I felt someone placing something on top of me so I instantly grabbed the arm of the person and opened my eyes only to see Mitch smiling weirdly at me with a light pink blanket on her hand.

"Hey?" she laughed nervously. "Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you"

I looked around to see that we were the only one on her room. I took a quick glance at her clock to see that it was 10pm already. I laid back down and pulled her with me which made her squeal a bit.

"Finally" I whispered.

"What?" she asked.


She laughed at me and snuggled to my neck which made me grip to her tighter. I've never been a fan of sweet things but I would welcome her strawberry scent any time. I felt her smile and snuggle deeper on my chest and being on her pretty small sized couch, there wasn't any space in between both of our bodies.

"Uhm, L-Louis?" I gripped her shoulders tighter.

I hummed in response and I got a bit worried when it took her a couple of seconds of responding.

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