Chapter Twenty Eight

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"Czy to załapałeś?" (Did you get it?)

"tak, wziąłem to, gdy była nieprzytomna "(Yes, I took it while she was unconscious)

"dobrze, upewnij się, że nic o tym nie mówi" (good, make sure she doesn't say anything about this)

I slowly opened my eyes only to be welcomed by darkness. My breathing started to hitch as I slowly recall what happened to me. Thanatos. Izabella. Jaxton. I heard a door open and I turned my head towards it only to feel a hand removing the cloth over my eyes.

"Looks like the empress is awake" Jaxton grinned at me. "Aw, don't look at me like that, it makes me want to keep you here longer than I'm supposed to"

He grabbed a chair and dragged it infornt of me. My glare on him still hard as mischief and amusement continues to dance in his eyes.

"You know, that look reminds me of your Mother's eyes before I planted a bullet on her skull" he pressed his finger on the middle of my forehead. "Here to be exact"

My eyes widened and I started to thrash and squirm, the tight ropes around my ankles and wrist surely will leave a bruise but I didn't care. My mother, this man, my friend killed my mother. I could feel my body start to shake in ager and frustration.

His grin grew even wider in my reaction. He pulled out something from his pocket and held it infront of him.

"This is actually the only thing that I need, but you just had to make everything so amusing"

He circled around me and started to brush my hair. I felt myself shiver in disgust as I felt his finger come in contact with my skin. I want to go home. I don't want to be here anymore.

"Since we do need some time killer, why don't I tell you a story?" I was still shaking and couldn't do anything in the situation.

"Once upon a time, there were two children living peacefully in their late parent's house. They were both happy and even though they didn't have everything, they had everything they need" he started.

"But then, a big bad monster came barging into their house while the brother was away and murdered the poor little sister" his grip on my hair tightened. "When the brother got home, he saw the monster with bloody hands leaving the house and saw his little sister's dead body at the doorway"

He went back in front of me and removed the tape above my lips. "Now Empress, Pop quiz, do you know the identity of the characters?"

"I-Is it you?" I stuttered.

"Ding Ding!" he smiled darkly. "That's correct"

"B-But you showed me her—"

"That hanky?" he scoffed. "that was hers, it was like her, pure white now washed with her blood"

I gulped as I saw the look in his eyes. This was not the Jaxton that I knew.

"I-I don't know why this has to happen Jax—"

"You see my dear Mitch, the monster that I am talking about it the story is none other than your Prince fucking Charming"


"That fucking murderer" His crazed look face stared at mine. "Just hearing his name makes my bloodlust boil"

"A-are you sure its him, m-maybe—"

He tutted me. "Aw, I pity you Empress, your blinded by the spell of the devil"


"You see, your boyfriend happens to be searching for something" he eyed me. "someone to be exact and I believe you are aware of this yeah?"

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