College (fluff)

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Pretend that everyone from high school goes to the same college

Alya and Marinette were roommates in college and Adrien and Nino were also roommates.

Marinette and Adrien have been dating since 12th grade and do not know eachothers idenitys.

Marinette And adrien were hanging out at the boys room while Nino and Alya were handing out at the girls room.

Adrinette was cuddiling while watching a movie when all of a sudden someone knocked at the door. Adrien got up and opened it to see that it was lila. "What do you want lila?" Adrien asked as he rolled his eyes.

The brunette girl smirked and put her hands on her hips, "I think I left my math book here." Adrien galred at her, "You can come check." Lila nodded and walked in Adrien's room to see Marinette on the couch. "Why is she here?" Marinette asked her boyfriend. Adrien rolled his eyes, "She left her 'math book' here" Marinette rolled her eyes and turned to lila who walked over to them.

"I can't find it.." Lila sighed, "Maybe it's at Chloe's." Lila shrugged and walked over to Adrien, "What were you two doing." Adrien stepped back, "We were watching a movie." Lila fake smiled, "As friends, aww-" Marinette then laughed, "No lila as a couple."

Lila groaned and rolled her eyes, "I thought Marinette was dating Cat Noir.. And adrien weren't you dating Ladybug?"

Marinette and adrien both made an "ehh" Noise without realizing it. "Shouldn't you two be mad?" Lila looked at adrien then at Marinette.

"Why would I be ma-" Marinette then stopped herslef. "Never mind.." Hse fake smiled and got up, "I think you should go lila!" Marinette pushed lila out of the dorm and shut the door and locked it.

Marinette turned to adrien, "We have some stuff to talk about." Adrien nodded in agreement. The couple sat down on the couch and began to talk. Soon their alteregos made it until the chat and they began talking about them.

"Are you or are you not Ladybug?" Adrien asked. Marinette figited with her fingers, "Maybe.."

Adrien smirked and looked down then back up, he leaned closer to Mari and smirked, "Don't lie to me bugaboo."

Marinette's eyes grew wide, "Cat?" Adrien backed away and laughed. "It.. It was you all along?!" Marinette faceplamed. "So you are ladybug?" Marinette just nodded. "Knew i-"

Before adrien could finish his sentence Marinette crawled on him and kissed him. He kissed back and soon their kissing became rough.

Alya and Nino walked in and froze when they saw Marinette on top of adrien making out. Marinette and Adrien were never the type to kiss a lot.

Alya walked over and crossed her arms, "Adrien get your tounge out of her mouth."

Adrien pulled away and Marinette hugged his chest and looked at her best friends as she pouted.

"Since when did you two make out?" Nino asked, walking over to them. "Since now." Marinette kissed adrien again, and he kissed back. She was the first to pull away. Alya and Nino both laughed. "Oh great.." Alya said as she sat down on the couch.

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