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Before we start, this is A TW for alcohol addiction. Both my parents drink, but mainly my dad and it's the worst thing ever..

Marinette sighed as she walked into the house after a long day of work. Her husband Adrien was already home, in the living room, drinking. He wasn't like this when they were first together and married. But once he found out his father was a Villian and shortly after was sentenced to the death penalty, this was his way of coping.

"Adrien.." Marinette said as she sat down her purse. He turned around and looked at her. "Hey." His voice was plain and lifeless. Marinette frowned and walked up to him. "How many beers have you had today?" She asked. He looked to the side to think, "Uh... This is my 3rd." he told her.

Marinette sat down next to him. "Adrien... Seriously? It's only 4:00." Adrien looked at her. His eyes were red and he had dark circles under his eyes. "I'm sorry Mari.." He said then looked away. She frowned. He had stopped calling her nicknames since his father died and that was probaly the second most painful part.

Marinette shook her head and grabbed the beer bottle out of his hand. "Do you want to end up like your father? If you keep doing this you're gonna look 53 instead of 23" She walked over to the sink and poured the beer down the drain. Adrien watched her. "Marinette! What the fuck are you doing?" he stood up and walked over to her. She threw the bottle away. "I'm trying to help you."

Adrien glared at her, "You're not helping by pouring down my beer. That costs money!" He said angrily. "Too bad, I'll do it again." She went to grab another bottle of beer but failed. Adrien walked closer to her so their lower bodies were up against eachother. He grabbed both her hands so she couldn't move.

"Don't you fucking dare." His voice was cold making mari shiver. But it didn't last long. As soon as he realized what he did, he let go of her. "Shit.. I'm sorry M.." He put his hand over his mouth. Mari put her hand on his sholder, "Its alright.." He looked up, "No it isn't."

Marinette didn't know what to say, she just sighed and let go of him. She proceeded to walk over to the fridge and grab a beer before continuing to pour it down the drain. "Seriously?" He said and watched her actions. "I want the old adrien back. You're gonna stop doing this." She announced. Adrien laughed under his breathe, "Or what? You'll divorce me?" She looked at him. "No. If I divorce you you'll just probaly.. Die."

He raised one eyebrow."How the fuck would I die?" Marinette rolled her eyes, "Over dose, Doing something stupid, suicide-" She could go on but she decided not to. "My point is I'm not leaving you unless..." He held his breathe. "Unless you hurt me physically." She continued pouring the deer down the drain. "Why would I hurt you?" He asked. "Well you did just go close to me and grabed both my hands." He looked down, "Right.."

She turned around and walked up to him. "How about you go get dressed into something sexy. We should go out to the club or something." she smiled. He hesitated to agree but eventually did. She finished draining most his beer then went to go get ready herself.


"Marinette-are you almost done?" he asked her. She just then walked out the bedroom looking hotter than the sun. She wore a tight red skirt with a matching crop top with black heels. Adrien wore a half way buttoned black shirt with skinny jeans and sneakers." Holy shit.. " He mumbled as he looked at his wife. She just smiled at him, "You ready kitty?" She asked. He blushed but nodded as she grabbed his hand and dragged him out the door.

--at the club--

"Okay kitten, remember no drinking, no doing anything with other girls-" "I know Mari. And why are you calling me.. That.. Again?" She bit her nails, "Because I missed calling you that." He smiled, "Okay then Bugaboo." She blushed and covered her face making adrien laugh.

As minutes passed they sat down at the bar and drank apple juice while watching the girls dance and such. "She has some good moves." Marinette said while taking a sip of her drink. Adrien looked up, "Who?" He asked. She pointed to a girl that was doing some hard ass tricks on a pole. Adrien shrugged, "She alright. You could do better." she looked at him, "Wait.." He chuckled while looking at his phone. "You still remember that?"

He looked at her, "How could I forget? It was my 18th birthday and you surprised me by dancing on a pole and stripping for me." She smiled awkwardly, "Ehehehe.." He smiled at her. "This is really fun.. I missed being with you." He admitted, looking into her eyes. "Aww... I missed being with you too kitty."
They both stared at eachother before kissing for the first time in months.

It felt good to be back. Literally. It felt good-


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