4: Phase Three: Plastic Bitch and THE FALL (2009- 2011)

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(Album cover, Murdoc and Cyborg Noodle shown on right.)

The third album is titled Plastic Bitch and includes all the indistinguishable noise/randomness  of the first album and the amazingness of the second. This means you can't even tell what song is what because everything is one big racket.

 2D (Or Demon All-bran) said: "It's like a noisey plastic bitch!"- citing his personal exuberance for male/female blow up toys that talk.

When choosing Plastic B*tch songs for the radio the Gorillaz choose super unpopular singles:
1.) "StyLOL" (Mostly Noise and 10% Drunken lyrics)
2.) "Some Kind Of Rapture" (Ft. Jesus)

(They picked the worse songs as singles, most of the time bands don't do that! We all applaud that real courage!)

Plastic Bitch Tracklisting:

1.) "StyLOL" (Mostly Noise and 10% Drunken lyrics)
2.) "Superslow Bellyman" (Ft. De la soup)
3.) "On Melon Cholera Hill"
4.) "To Binge Drink Vodka" (Ft. Little Lizardgirl) -she is lovely.
5.) "Some Kind Of Rapture" (Ft. Jesus)
6.) "BloodShot Eyes" (Ft. Bille Joe Armstrong)
7.) "PirateBay" -giving tribute to the only place people will get this album.
8.) "Rainbow Flag" -Every character in Gorillaz is LGBTQ+. Take it or leave it
9.) "Cheapsteak" -Low price meat! You're a winner!
10.) "Empire Pants" (Ft. Little Lizardgirl AGAIN.)
11.) "Broken" -2D sings a sad song about his Playstation being broken and his credit card being stolen by Sony/Satan. Poor 2D.
12.) "Glitter Cheese" -Where the fuck is North!? No seriously, where is it!?!?
13.) "The Cloud of IDK" -Bobby Womack sang this one so you better like it!

Surprisingly, this phase had the most lore! And also the most patches and missing lore so the fans get to work their asses off to piece it together for it to make sense!

Not to mention, the lore seems like demon all-bran and jam jam hewpott were both high while creating it.

We begin with- wait what the fuck do we begin with I don't fucking remember

I'll just tell the story from what I think is in chronological order.

2D, Murcock, Russticle, and N̶o̶o̶d̶l̶e̶ split up after noodle "dies". Murcock is angry about this and assumes it is because he posted Noodle's death on BestGore (that would make sense)

Murcock eventually stumbles upon the ruins of the windmill island, and mixes the magical ingredients; sugar, spice, everything nice, and the chemical X to create a powerpuff girl. Aka cyborg noodle. 

 (A/N i wrote this unironically just to remember gorillaz and the powerpuff girls are in the same universe kill me)

Murcock finally comes up with his own album even though he's literally the leader of the band and gasses 2D who's trying to get a degree or some shit.

Murcock kidnaps other featuring artists like the psychopath pickle bastard he is and forces them along with 2D to sing on the album. 2D is shaking in his room and is afraid of a whale called Massive Dick. Good job Damon and Jamie!

Meanwhile, Noodle aka Pasta is now wearing a cat mask and is shown on a boat (More patchy and bad lore. We have no idea how she didn't die or how she got there or how she has a fucking boat or why she suddenly has a detailed Danganronpa character design.)

Noodle, like the badass she is shoots down a fucking plane with a Tommy machine gun after being told the boat is being attacked by pirates (the bad weather cult) but a bomb is dropped on the boat. Somehow she escaped even though it blasted on impact and she was still on the boat as the bomb was falling.

Pasta is apparently mad at Murcock for posting her supposed death on BestGore and swims to him with a machine gun in hand.

Just kidding, she's trapped in the middle of the ocean, but somehow Russel finds her. He is suddenly a giant after eating polluted water (ew) and he eats a fucking whale while taking Pasta with him to Plastic Bitch. Also Murcock, 2D, and Creepy Pasta are looking for her and Creepy Pasta throws up a octopus.

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