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Stephanie is crying, "What happened here!? All of the residents are dead, but how?! There is nothing out here but this building and the mountain."

Stephanie turned around to see wolves blocking the tunnel she had come out of.

The wolves are looking at her with blood dripping from their mouths as they turn into humans before her eyes, but they are naked. There was a bright light that Stephanie had to cover her eyes; after the bright light disappeared, she uncovered her eyes.

 There was a bright light that Stephanie had to cover her eyes; after the bright light disappeared, she uncovered her eyes

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Here is Sally in this picture.

Sally the Wolf said, "We will kill you next like the other humans!"

Stephanie is scared. "I and the other humans you and the wolves have killed, we did not do anything to you, and we have been locked up in that place for a very long time. What did humans ever do to you wolves?!"

"A human named Saul killed our leader's wife five years ago. So we are killing every human that crosses our path."

Stephanie cries, "I am sorry for your leader's loss."

Here is Brian in this picture

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Here is Brian in this picture.

Brian, the leader of the Wolves, said, "Thank you."

The leader walked toward Stephanie as she backed up a little because the leader was close enough to kiss her on her lips. He got behind and moved her hair to the left as he smelled her neck. He noticed that she had two holes in her neck. He licked the holes on her neck. Stephanie tried to push him from behind but couldn't because he wrapped his right arm around her waist.

He whispered in her right ear, "You will be my new wife. I know you belong to that creature, but he is nowhere to be found."

He leaned her neck to the left with his right arm that he removed from around her waist.

Stephanie tried to run, but Sally the Wolf ran upon her and punched her in the stomach Brain was furious that he growled at her and turned into a wolf as Sally was trying to run away in her form. Brian got in front of her like a wolf, jumped on her, and killed her.

The wolves checked on Stephanie as Brian returned as a human.

Brian was scared because he turned around and saw a mysterious creature standing in front of the tunnel he had come out of, looking at him and the other wolves checking on the woman.

Brian told the wolves, "We need to go. She belongs to that creature behind us."

Before the wolves had a chance to leave, Slicer was already in front of them. The other wolves surrounded him as they let their leader run away with Stephanie as a wolf.

Slicer is angry. "Where has your leader taken my fiance!?"

The wolves said, "You will never find out because we will kill you."

Slicer said, "Let's see you try!"

Slicer looked at them as they turned into wolves. Only five wolves are surrounding him. He grabs one of them around the neck, breaks it, and throws him to the ground. The remaining four looked, and they were scared but continued fighting him. He kicked two wolves in the stomach, and he killed them. The lost two jumped on Slicer and started ripping through his stomach and eating his insides. He grabbed them both by their necks, killed one, and held the other by her neck with his left hand.

The female Wolf turned back into a human while Slicer still held her. She started screaming for her life.

"Do not kill me. I will tell you where my leader is!"

He put her down.

She said, "You are losing a lot of blood, and you will not make it there in time. You have lost this fight. But I will tell you anyway. My leader went to a house below this mountain in a city called "Sugar Hill." That is the house where Saul used to live, but my leader killed him because he killed his wife. My leader is there."

Slicer said, "That is why your leader took my fiance. Does he know she belongs to me?"

"I didn't know she belonged to you. All I know is that Brian smelled on her. I thought that is why he took her for his new wife. That means... If I had known, I would have stopped him. But he knows the rules. Do as you wish with my leader. I know you are going to kill him. Kill me too. I should have known but could not see, for I was in the back. Sorry..."

Slicer did not kill the female Wolf but left her crying that she threw herself off the mountain and blood came out of her head.

Brian turned back into a human before he arrived at the city of Sugar Hill. The dead man Saul has a one-story house that the state put up for sale when they could not find the next of kin. The police knew wolves killed him, so they closed the case. Brian brought the house; that is where Brian and Stephanie are.

Stephanie wakes up to find she is in a bed under covers feeling warm and cozy. She turns to the right in the bed and sees Brian sleeping on his back. He opens his eyes and scares Stephanie. She tries to escape from the bed, and Brian gets on top of her, turns her neck to the right, moves her hair, and starts sucking blood from the two holes in her neck as he holds her hands down.

Brian's eyes turn black, and he howls because he is a wolf.

Brian got off Stephanie and laid back in bed to her left, licking his lips.

"I know the mysterious creature that is your fiance will be upset, but you are now my wife."

Stephanie sat up in bed, looking at Brian.

"How am I your wife?"

Slicer came into the room fully healed because of...

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