Hurt!Donnie x Reader

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I was running as fast as I could, I couldn't waver if I did don't think about it..He will be okay. He has to be right? "You better stay with me Donnie! I swear I will make your life a living hell if you don't!" I yelled at the quiet body in my arms, I felt him twitch which is a good sign but still. Getting to the lair meeting up with the others, they saw Donnie and got to work on helping him, After five hours they had finally got Donnie's wounds closed. We waited but me on the other hand sat next to him the whole time waiting for him to wake up. It was my fault this happened. He...stepped in front of me and toke the hit and now...his shell is ripped open and he is in such a state. I know he is not weak...but god damnit! This wasn't funny at all, why didn't he just let me take the fall. I look over at his sleeping face, it was peaceful at least no whimpers like earlier. I gently laid a hand on his cheek as he moved leaning into my hand. I leaned down and captured his lips in mine, he made a small noise but made no move to wake up. I didn't want to..."I don't wanna lose you....Idiot." I sat back down and waited.

Donnie's POV

Waking up felt like shit, well like a ton of bricks was on me. I felt so heavy and soon saw what was weighting me down, blankets and pillows to kept me from falling out of bed I guess. I could feel the cords of machines hooked up to me and the beeping sound of the heart machine. I looked around more and saw someone that I was happy to see unhurt. "Y/N...." I uttered quietly. They didn't look up...I go feel the rage coming off of them from my place on the bed. "Y/N?" I called again. "You say your the smart one, but what you did was really fucking stupid." The growled at me. "Hey that's not-!" They got up and hovered over the bed and pinned their hands to my sides holding me there. Not hard or anything, just enough to have me know they are there. "You have any idea how much you worried everyone? Do you see how much your hurt and how dumb this was." They hissed. "I did what I thought I had to do! I did what was right, I made a good call-!" They stopped me "I can handle myself and take damage way better then you can! You really put your life over mine just to make others worry about you!" I looked up at them, why do they say it like that. "Do you not care about what happened to this just about your dumb pride?" I asked and their face paled like I had just died in front of them. They bowed their head and said nothing. "I'm not weak and can make a call to help you." I hissed to let them know I meant it. "I know your not weak!....That's not the point Donnie." They wavered at the last part. "Then what is it?! I care about what happens to you am not just gonna let you get hurt even if you can handle it Hmph-!" My lips were captured in a deep kiss and I kissed back without resisting, I always dreamed of this moment. Y/N holding me and kissing me gently while telling me they loved me just as much as I loved them. I have loved them for years, so when I saw them almost get hurt...I just moved. I couldn't picture my life without them in it, I knew a long while ago that I loved them for that reason. I can't live without you....

I slowly wrapped my arms around their neck and deepened the kiss more and they let me, they felt me all over not too much just to my chest and resting their hand there to feel my heart beat...which was racing because they were holding me and kissing me like a lover would...not like a friend...wait a min.....what the fuck? Wait do they...? Soon after that thought they let go and we were both panting for air. "Dummy...This isn't about dumbass Pride. I know am not one to state how I feel but I know that I feel something whenever I see you dork." They smiled at me and I blushed so many shades of red it wasn't even funny. "I don't think your weak, and yes what you did was dumb but I know your heart was in the right place." They nuzzled my face keeping themselves there. "I don't want to lose you...your mean to much to me." They looked back at me and sigh lightly. "I do care. I really do because I love you silly." They touch my cheek again. " me back?" They nod. "Wait how did you know?" "Its not that hard to tell really, to me your like an open book, Mr. I'm a bad boy~" They sang as they pinched my cheek and I growled but laughed. "Let it be known that only I can see your face like this." They go back in for another kiss and back up my face red. "See what I mean. This is mine and mine alone~." They sang again. "...I love you Y/N....and am not sorry for what I did." I laughed at the end part. They deadpanned. "Yeah I know you aren' little bad boy." They kissed me on the forehead. "My bad boy....Only I can see your sweet side. This blushing face and all your weakness." I pouted at the smirk they gave me. "Fine. if only I can only see yours as well, its only fair." I wrap my arms around their neck. "Haha deal, and don't ever do that again." They held me close shaking a bit. "I won't, am sorry." They laugh while shaking. "I'll never let you go..." They breath a shaky reply but it held so much meaning. "I will hold you to that." I laugh has did they. We spent the rest of the time holding each other. Never letting go.


Would this be a bit of Lemon???? I cringed making it much hey whatca gonna do?


Stories by MushroomFiction.

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