Donnie x Child!Female!Reader

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A little sister.
Requested by S203324

Donnie was on patrol by himself since his other brothers were bothering him too much so he just decided to go solo for now till they at least calmed down

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Donnie was on patrol by himself since his other brothers were bothering him too much so he just decided to go solo for now till they at least calmed down. As Donnie was jumping roof to roof, he could hear whimpering from a cardboard box next to some trash can below and went to check out the noise. With caution the purple clad turtle slowly put his bow staff and moved the "door" part of the cardboard and peeked inside, he saw a little girl with her back to him and shaking violently as the cold wind over toke her in the sorry excuse for a "home". He spoke up quietly not to frighten the child who appeared to be 7 years old. "Hey there kid, what are you doing out here all by yourself?" He asked. The girl turned around slowly and saw the turtle, she wasn't scared of him which was odd since most would have been if they knew of they were real and not suits or something.

The girl shook her head and whimpered louder. She seemed to be shaking even worse then before but not from fear, Donnie reached inside and the child flinched but let him do it anyway. He put a hand on there head and sighed. "No good kid, your sick and need to be someplace warm before you get worse." He said. Going fully in he grabbed the child and she started to make noises of distress, "Ahh! Noo!!! Awwhhhh!" She sounded somewhat like a baby crying and not like a seven year old screaming for life. "Relax! I'm trying to help!" He yelled and they stopped shaking and obeying what he said but wide eye were seen and they jerked. "Relax I'm not going to hurt you. I'm taking you home. I can look after you there." He got up and out of the box grabbing his hoodie from his bag and put it over the child to keep them warm. Donnie wasn't much for sympathy but he felt actually bad for the child and wanted to help. He was mad for some reason, maybe because the child is out left alone in the rain with no one to help them.

He jumped roof to roof and slowly walked into the lair to not upset the child with new surroundings, she had seemed to fall asleep her H/C hair was covering most of her face so he pushed it out of the way to see better for injuries on top of sickness, finding none he was satisfied with his finding walked in and saw all his brothers sitting about. "Yo, dude! Where were you? We looked all over for your goofy butt!" His twin brother the blue clad turtle yelled. "I wasn't to far from you guys sheesh. Now can you keep your voice down" He said rolling his eyes and it was true he was only a few roof tops away. "Donnie what is that your holding?" Raph came closer to Donnie and You, but Donnie backed away. "A kid I found in a cardboard box, she's very sick right now," he said. "Aww she so cute!" Mikey yelled. "Raph can we keep her!" Mikey grabbed onto Raph's arm, "I don't know Mikey, she's human and a kid. Donnie is this a good idea? Why not take her to the hospital to were they can care for her." Donnie grunted at the older brother in front of him. "I don't care, I made up my mind and I'm not changing it." He walked into his lab and set the child on his bed since he didn't have any other one. They came in, "Donnie I know you have good intentions but a child is a lot of responsibility." Raph reasoned. "Yeah and you have to care for them and love them, and not be a stick in the mud." Donnie glared at Leo. Leo waved his hands up. "Just saying." He clarified. "I think a little sister would be cute to have!" Mikey was the only one who wanted her to stay as usual the all for nothing brother. "I get what your all saying, but I can handle it. I made up my mind, your not the one who found her there in that box shaking and crying, I DID. So back off." He gave a final warning.

They did just that too. "Alright, but at least let us help." Raph offered. Donnie sighed, "Fine, but wait till she gets better. Right now leave the medical stuff to me." They all nod leaving Donnie with.....what should he call you? Just as he was thinking you woke up. "Glad to see you in the living world kid." He said matter of factly with a emotionless look. The girl looked shocked and looked around and back at Donnie, she pointed to Donnie. "No much of a talker are you? That's fine, I'm not one either so a win win for me." He sat in a chair. "Well from now on your living here and being cared for by us." He said like an order and not a kind gesture. The child gasped and eyes widened tilting her head, like to say 'really?'. "Yeah, kind of made me mad seeing you like that. You need to be looked after by someone who actually knows what they are doing." He deadpanned. She started to cry softly rubbing her face of the tears. "But why?" She whispered in a husky broken tone from being sick and not from being used either. "Do I really need a reason to care about people? I'm not doing this out of pity or anything if that's what you think." He smiled a little bit to show that it was true. You cried softly in your small hands as he pets your head. "No sweat kid, you got four big brothers now and a dad who is a rat hehe." He laughed. "You'll never be alone again." He smiled a small smile and you hugged him, he was shocked at first but gave you a hug. He wasn't much for people touching him but its okay for now. You are his sister after all now.

Bonus -
"Hey Y/N, slow down there you'll get hurt ya know." Donnie said as he watch you play in the snow. You yelled you would be okay but then you fell down and started crying but donnie picked you up hugging you. "See what I said, you fell down and now you hurt. But hey you are a kid so what can you do?" He laughed as you pouted. "Hey don't frown, how about we get some hot choco?" You smiled and hugged him. "Yes, big brother!" He laughed. "Okay! Let's get going then before Leo drinks it all!" He said carrying you back to the lair and later having some nice hot choco with your new family....your forever family.

Sorry it toke so long, I ended up getting a cold but I finished this last minute hope its okay! <3 Enjoy!
Stories by - rpghorror-san.

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