Donnie x Borrower!Child!Reader

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Someone to watch over me.

Requested by - S203324

A family of borrowers lives under the little boards on the lair and watch the turtles in excitement of their laughter and how good of a family they are even though they are different from the other on the surface. A little girl age 10 is one to watch one of the brother more then the others and that's Donnie the purple clad turtle, she watches him make all his inventions and cool gadgets he likes to make and even watches him clean that bust of himself which she laughs about when he does because he always compliments it, Y/N has no siblings to call their own and doesn't have even a pet well how can a person as small as her have a pet. But she sees him make jokes and even see his sad and depressed side as he laid down for bed and she wishes she can comfort him like a real little sister would for an older brother or sister but she can't show herself for her parents fear of something bad happening even though they know that they wouldn't judge them based on how they look but still.

One day he came in sad as can be and he hit his face into the floor and started to cry a little but not to much, Y/N with her long H/C hair popped her head out from the side to get a better look and saw him there. She frowned and wished she could tell him that it was okay, but then she had an idea. Running to her house and grabbing her flowers from the pot in her room quickly came back and still saw him laying there ran in front of him and put the flowers down and quickly hugged his head and ran back, him shocked by the sudden touch raised his head up and one.

Donnie wiped his face and saw the flowers on the floor and picked them up. He tilted his head in confusion but none the less smiled at them and put them on his desk. Since then everyday new flowers appeared on his desk and each time he would try to see who it was but to no avail. One night he stayed up to see who it was in his chair he faked being asleep even snoring a bit to make it seem more real. Suddenly there was movement and he cracked his eye open and saw a very very small person putting new flowers on the desk with a note that would have a nice message on it. He gasped in shocked and she looked up big E/C eyes and all. She gasped too and quickly ran for it but he yelled. "Wait stop! I just wanna talk!" He fell out of his chair and hit the floor as he did so and she stopped running covering her mouth in horror and running back to him. "Are you okay!! I'm so sorry!" She teared up. "Not your fault just lost my balance on the chair." He huffed out. "Who are you? And are you the one leaving flowers and notes everyday?" He asked getting up and sitting on the floor in front of the young girl. A nod, "Yes I am. I didn't think you would see me ever. But I only wanted to cheer you up, I promise, not scare you." She said with big eyes. "I'm not scared of you, after all look at me." He said. "I don't care what you look like." She said, he smiled. "Then why would I care what you look like or how small you are." He said matter a factly. "......I have a point." She said. "Why would you want to cheer me up? Don't get me wrong it is working. But why?" He asked. "I just saw you sit there and cry with that sad look on your face and I wanted to make you feel a little sister would for a big brother." They whispered the last part. "Wait, you mean to tell me that this whole time you've been watching over me?" A nod. "......Wow, You've been like an angel sent to watch over me almost. Wait! You saw me cry! Aww man I'll never live this down..." He hit his head on the desk and sighed loudly. "I won't tell anyone, I won't say a word beside I want to cheer you up not make you worse..." She said looking down and kicking some balled up paper off the desk, she walked over and hugged his head and kissed it. "Your the best turtle ever, please don't forget that." She said softly with a smile and he couldn't help but smile back. "Heh thanks kid." He held his head up and patted her head best he could. "Glad I could help!" She smiled. "I'm Y/N by the way!" She giggled. "Donnie." He said with a grin. She jumped when she heard his brothers come in the room with a scared look on her face. One person at a time was fine but so many scared her after all she was small and a child.

Donnie leaned over where she was like he was blocking the view to her as his brothers ran in. "Donnie wanna come stake with us, Dad fell asleep so we can stay up as late as we want man!" Yelled his blue clad twin. "Not with all the yelling your doing." Donnie said back sarcastically. "Donnie buddy whatca leaning for you okay?" Asked his little brother Mikey. "Huh, oh me...uhh just thinking of some ideas for...things." He chuckled nervously. "You sure?" Raph asked behind the others. "Yeah, you go on ahead I'll be in my head space for awhile. So you guys have fun." He said with a smile. "Okay then....." Leo said as he walked out with the others and as soon as he left he got up and looked back at the girl in front of him. "Sorry they can be loud at times." She laughed after shaking herself. "Ahh it's okay, just not use to a room full of taller beans." She said giggling. "Beans?" He asked. "Its what we call you tall beings. I am called Borrowers, since we borrow things to live." She said. "Just small things like things you won't miss if there gone. Like sugar and soap." She said. "Sorry for taking things but you know." She looked at him sadly. "No its fine, you gotta live so its not a big deal. You said things we won't miss and I haven't noticed anything missing so your doing a good job at that too."

He laughed a bit at that. "Your good at cheering me up kid. That is fair payment enough." He smiled for real like he always did reading the notes. "I hope I can keep talking to you though?" He said. Her eyes widened, she nods. "O-oh! Of course! I wanna make you feel better, I like seeing you happy and being funny!" He gasped "See I am the funny one!" They both laughed in unison and they both smiled as she giggled. For the rest of the time Y/N would leave little notes and talk to Donnie at night when the others were sleeping. She one day meet all of them and even her mom and dad meet all of them and the brothers and dad fell in love with the little family and especially the little girl they liked to call a sister. Donnie was okay with letting her borrow his heart for awhile.

That was my favorite fic, also favorite movie as well if you see the quote from the movie you get a cookie 🍪
Stories by - rpghorror-san.

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