Donnie x Shy!Short!Reader

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I'll be right here.

Requested by - @koalaprincess123

Donnie was working in his lab as usual till he heard something like a knock at his door. He grunts a bit but reluctantly gets up to answer anyway. He opens the door and sees no one. He tilts his head till he hears breathing coming from the right. "Can you please not do that. I thought maybe I was losing my mind for a minute." He huffs out in an annoyed tone. "I'm sorry..." Y/N standing at about 5'1 side steps from the right from the were the door had been opened looking away from Donnie with a smile on her face. He knew she had a bit of a shy thing but it was annoying to open the door and now see anyone in front of it. "Its fine." He walks back in and waves her in. "Come on in." He said unamused. She walks in and sits on another chair ways away from him as he sits back in his chair.

"So what brings you here this evening?" He wasn't one for small talk but he thought it might ease the girl a bit. "Oh! Just wanted to see how you were all." She said looking down for a bit before looking back up and around. She would either look at the floor or everywhere else besides Donnie or his eyes. He huffed again. "Not to great to check up on. I'm always doing the same thing like Leo says." He said matter of factly cause Leo always says it. "I don't care what Leo says." She said without a care as if she was just normally stating something. He looked at her quickly with shocked eyes at the statement. She quickly looked away.

He just sat there somewhat dumbfounded till he finally went back to his gear. "Well I guess its okay as long as your not bored." He said in a monotoned voice. She perked up and smiled widely and he blushed seeing it but from the side of his view since if he faced her see would just look away again. "Can you get me that tool on the top, I can't let go of this part or else it will break in half." He said pointing to the place it was at. "Of course! I'll be right...back!" She looked up and saw that it was so high up...but she was given a trusted task from her friend and she was going to do it no matter what! She was going to prove she wasn't always shy. Finding the chair she was sitting on put it in front of the place and climbed up she reached as far as she could for the tool and finally got it. "Oh yeah be careful about - what are you doing!?" He yelled just as you grabbed it fully and then you wabbled and the chair tipped as you fell to the floor. But there was no pain to come after confused you lifted yourself up and then saw Donnie holding your middle. "Ahh!! Sorry I am!!!" You almost jumped off but he held you there. "I mean I am Sorry!! I mean!! Whyyyyy!" She was panicking in her state. Donnie covered her mouth. "Its fine stop yelling. And what pray tell were you thinking getting in a chair to get up there?" He said calmly but you could see the pure rage in his face. Y/N pulled back on fear but still couldn't move, she looked down. "I...j-just wanted to matter what." She admits sadly.

He sighed but smiled. "I appreciate that, I really do but you could have cracked that soft human skull of yours." He said. Speaking of crack. "Oh no your gear!" He huffed. "Its fine! Who cares. I can fix it no big deal. Beside it was either you or that, and I would choose you any day." He said smiling. You blushed lightly. "Thanks...Donnie. I'm really sorry.." She looked down again and he lifted her chin. "Its okay, I can fix it. But I can't fix you. Your more important, even if you annoy me with that disappearing act you always do." He said grunting but laughed anyway. She laughed softly too. He got up and held her hand while getting up. "Wanna come sit next to me this time?" Her eyes widened. "It would be pretty boring staring at nothing over there at least this way you can look at what am doing." He smirked. She blushed and closed her mouth in a thin line but nods nonetheless. "Your cute when you blush like that." He kisses her forehead. She giggled red as a beat. The rest of the time they sat there and fixed up the gear, even Y/N helped put somethings back together. Donnie was not annoyed by this and was actually pretty happy she was more comfortable around him.

Another story in one go way am on a roll! 45 mins spent on this one x3
Story by @rpghorror-san.

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