Donnie x RealWorld!Reader

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Fallen into a new universe.

Requested by - Totally_Weird

Everything was black, The sounds of cars honking and you held your head as you got up. There was....people walking back and forward from the entry of the alley way you were in. You looked around seeing no one there with you....wait are you in new york, how did you even get here! You ran out of the alley it was dark and cold outside you had no jacket as where you lived it was warmer there unlike New York.

As you ran out in a panic, a car came out of nowhere and almost hit you....keyword being almost. You opened your eyes to find yourself in the air and being held by someone. Someone with a green arm? Looking up you saw who had saved you. "Hey there, don't panic or scream yet till we get to the ground please." He said in a bit of an annoyed tone. Once you both set on the ground you were surrounded by four turtles who were walking. "Glad to see your alright miss???" He asked. "Ahhh!!!!???" "Miss Ahh, what a nice name." The blue turtle said smirking widely. "Ohhhh howww youuu alll." She was close to fainting from all the stress and new things and being far away from home. "Relax Miss Ahh! I'm Mikey, The big one is Raph, The blue clad is Leonardo and finally-" "Donnie....." You said breathlessly and Donnie eyes widened when he heard you say his name like that. " did you know my name?" He asked. "Oh dudes! If she knows us then everyone does!" Mikey started to panic and was running around. This was impossible how is it that you ended up in the world of rottmnt a tv show you watched sometimes when it was on. What the heck is going on?! "What do we do Raph?" Leo asked not as panicked as Mikey but you could see it in his face as he looked to the girl. "She'll have to come with us I guess??" He said. You backed up but backed up into Donnie, he grabbed your arms and held you there though it was a gentle touch. "Relax we're not going to do anything." He said looking down at you. "But you should probably explain how you know us at least. We're not the bad guys or anything." He looked sincerely at you and you sighed. "Okay..."

It had been a month since then, you were going somewhat crazy. You missed your friends, you missed your family and your life even if it wasn't a good one pre say but still. The brother and their dad were nice enough to let you stay with them and April was coming fast friends with you, she was happy their was another girl for once. You laid in the corner of the room you had borrowed for the time being and shook as you covered yourself with a blanket. It had been an hour since you had seen the brothers and they tended to always check or hang around her since they worried about her and Raph was always the one to sing her to sleep since she had a hard time sleeping in general. Tonight though it seems a different brother had plans to help you sleep. A knock at the door and then it was opened, a purple clad brother was seen on the other side. "Y/N?" He whispered as he came in, no one was in the bed. Confused he looked around in search for you and turned finding you in the corner next to the bed laying down. "Y/N? Why are you on the floor?" He kneeled down and touched your shoulder. You flinched back not expecting touch, usually Raph just waited till the "fit" was over and then touched her. Donnie drew his hand back and sighed. "Let me ask differently, Are you okay Y/N?" He was trying to sound kind without that sense of monotone voice he usually adopts.

She shook her head as she was shaking, "And why is that? Why are you not okay?" He was trying to ask in a way that was somewhat caring but mainly forward since that was the type of guy he was. She sighed but the breath was shaking and dry. "I'll....never be able to get back home..." she looked up at donnie eyes pleading for a way out. "I'll be stuck here forever and never see my my friends, I don't know I'm just so scared." She grabbed her head and sobbed loudly eye small as she started to go through a even worse attack. Upon seeing her crying face Donnie's eyes widened as his brows frowned he had no idea that's what she was so afraid of. When she started to sob he grabbed her firmly and leaned her into him, she gaspped through her mouth as she grabbed on to him shocked by the sudden hug from the turtle. "So what if you don't go back? Your here with us now, and we don't mind having you here. Is it really that bad here?" She shook her head. "Then why are you feeling this way then, Raph told me that your parents hardly notice you and you have no friends, so don't you dare lie to me." He said quite angry since she lied to him and he held her putting his head on her head. "I'll be your friend, you don't need them....and we can be your family." She gasped and looked up as he smiled for the first time since they meet. "You....Donnie? You mean it?" She asked. "Of course." He kissed her cheek softly as he chuckled softly. "I'll care for you, be there for you, be your friend and your shoulder to cry on. Mostly importantly the one to give you love and affection whenever you desire." He said kissing her eye this time as to dry the tears. "Donnie, I don't know what to say....thank you...I'm so sorry I lied but I was just...." she said sadly looking down. "It's alright buttercup~ I have you now." He lifted her chin kissing her on the lips and pulled back. "You made me so jealous when Raph was in here, I guess I've grown quite fond of you over the months." He said smiling again.

"I just....I can't believe what am hearing from you." She laughed. "You are being so sweet right now I didn't know you were capable of this." She kept laughing till Donnie picked her up bridal-style and leaned in. "Only for you my sweet~" he purred. She blushed so hard. "Come on you can spend the night with me and watch TV or watch me make things. Better then being in the dark all night." He carried her to his room, the rest of the night they talked and watched tv and later she watched him create new technology and it was the best time she had ever had, she was happy to have found someone who would care for her till the end of time. She had forgotten about ever going back home.

Sorry it toke so long, holidays, moving rooms and such as done a lot to me xD and drawing a lot when I can takes up a lot of time. But i hope you like it?

Stories by rpghorror-san.

ROTTMNT Donnie x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now