Chapter 4 "hunting grounds"

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Levi's POV: I got a text from River she said that we need to be at the hunting grounds by 9:00 so I got Cole and heading there when we got there there was omegas, betas and some alphas running around and chatting about the hunt I looked around and didn't see River but I seen Marco I asked him where she was and he answered with... 

Marco: she went ahead of us to scope out the area to make sure we are hunting the right group of deer. 

Levi: so we are going after a specific ones??? 

Marco: yes there a groups out here we can't hunt and we have to make sure we don't kill the wrong ones... 

Marco: don't worry Levi Eren,Sasha and Connie went with her.. 

Levi: does she want us to hunt in are wolf forms 

Marco: yes it makes hunting easier 

Cole: do I get to hunt to Levi ?

Marco: yes but we will probably want you to handle with the less dangerous part.

Cole: ok but do I have to kill them?

Marco: you don't have to you just have to keep up with us as we run but you don't have to watch you can just close your eyes 

Cole:ok I'm a fast runner so I will be able to keep up. 

Third person: all of a sudden a loud howl interrupts everyone's talking it got silent then when the call was over everyone changed into the wolf forms and started running into the forest where the call came from I then turn to Marco who is yelling at me to change forms and follow him so we did me and Cole both changed into our forms and followed Marco we then heard another call and followed it we then slowed down to see the rest of the wolfs that ran into the woods first waiting on something till I finally figured out that they were waiting on a howl for a wolf then they all started running this we meet two red wolfs and a brown wolf and the one howling a white female wolf standing on a tree howling when she noticed use she stoped she looked down to us and jumps down off the dead tree and walk over to us looking at Marco then to me and Cole looked around before she started talking to us through the mind link she had 3 groups and she told them were to go she gave a piece of paper of what specific animal to kill and big black bags to them before she told them where to go and where to meet up at then they separated after about a mile of running we then slowed down and she looked around to Eren he then sat down some black bags and he nodded before she trotted to the side of a four white tailed deer all at a middle age he then Looked at Marco Sasha and Connie they then walked into the grass lowering there body to the ground and as they circle the herd not making a sound We stay to the sidelines and watched then they close around the herd and attacked them they each got there one of targets bringing them down before ending it Cole barked at them as they raised there heads out of the golden grass as they started dragging the deer to us and laying them in piles before we continue to the next herd after about 7 hours later after chasing and killing as many deer to fill the 10% we where assigned I had made about 13 kills Cole  just chewed on the fur they then grabbed there freshly killed meat and they sat them in bags and closing the bag with Velcro straps Cole looked at River and the others after that we headed out to a open field where a hole bunch of wolfs started coming out with black bags in there mouths which I as assumed where there kill they have made after they had all got there's River looked around a couple of time before she ran off into the woods everyone started to panic but Eren had claimed them down and look worried his ears were back and his tail slowly wagged side to side After about a hour some of the omegas and betas started to worried we had made killed the right amount of deer Eren and Marco where talking through the mind link and said we should go look for them Eren then walked over to us and Cole was worried she was shaking but I had calmed him down he had ask if I wanted to help look for them but the. We heard something moving in the bushes we then got up a a few growls passed through some alphas muzzles as a silver wolf and brown wolf walked out and turn behind hide them before pulling out a dead elk from the bushes River the walked out with one its legs in her mouth as she helped pull it out from the bushes there feet where muddy and they had blood stains on their fur but they seamed ok they drop it in front of everyone as the other wolfs came up to them licking them jumping around making sure they where ok River then turned to us and trotted over Eren rubbed her head with his in a sign saying I'm glad your ok through the mind link before Cole jumped up nuzzling against her face she nuzzled against him as a apologize for scaring him then everyone started transforming back they all started talking about there kills and how they took them down me and Cole then transform back then Marco and Eren transformed after us.... 

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