Chapter 7 "high school reunion"

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(This song has nothing to do with this chapter it's your chose to listen to it)-E.J

Third POV:when River was invited to her high school reunion she picked out a black dress and now that her stomach is back to in normal size she can wear it she had Lucas in a black onesie with a red tie on it to match Levi's suit River packed a bag for the baby which had diapers a bottle for his formula and some other things she sat Lucas in his car seat and clipped him in and they where on there way to rivers high school. 

River: I change my mind...I don't want to go.

Levi: what why!

River: because I haven't seen any of my class mates for years now I'm coming back with a baby what if they think I'm a whore that got married cause I got pregnant?

Levi:your not a whore your my mate who cares what they think you see that beautiful baby in the back we made that cause we love each other so don't worry darling if they say anything about you I'll handle it.but why would you think your classmates would say that about you?

River :yeah you see the thing is when I was in high school I was only there for about a year before I was moving to college because I had such high grades so while I was there a guy named max was one of the people I hung around he was a foot ball player  and he had asked me out about a 4 weeks before I had to leave for college and I declined his offer and told him that on of the cheerleaders liked him and told him to go ask her and when I said I was leaving for college I had found out that he did ask her out so that was good for him but I never seen him again. 

Levi:you think you'll see him here. 

River:I'm not really sure but he was one of my oldest friends. 

Levi:well about 3 more hours and we'll be there. 

~~~~~~~3 hours later around 6pm~~~~~~~~ 
River :come on Lucas let's get you out of this car seat. 

Levi:are you ready. 

River:yep I got Lucas and I got the bag. 

Third POV:Levi,river and Lucas walked into the school and Levi opened the door of her and they where meet with soft music and the lights in the gym where dim when the principal of her school seen river she came over and talked to her. 

Principal kat:hello. 

River: hi 

Principal kat:if I remember river right. 

River:yes and this is my husband Levi and my son Lucas. 

Principal kat:it's nice to see you again river and nice to meet you levi and Lucas. 

Levi: it's nice to see you to. 

Principal kat: well enjoy the party. 

River: thank you. 

Third POV:they walked in and since it was kind of dark in there you couldn't really see so they went over to the side where the light is and right before they got over there river turned around and told Levi that the bottle must have fallen out the bag so Levi went back outside to get it and river then backed up into someone. 

River:I-I'm so sorry. 

Unknown:it's alright. 

Third POV:River turned around and seen that the person she ran into was max. 

River: Max. 

Max:River I didn't think you'd be here. 

River:well i though about coming and so here I am. 

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