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"Does your family mind if I take you out on a date?"

I was stunned for a moment when he asked that as we walk towards his car.

T-Take me out?

"Hey." He lightly tapped my cheek. "H-Huh? O-Oh, I don't think so." I answered.

"Bummer." He sighs as he opens the passenger's door for me. I gave him a small smile and went inside.

I also want to, but you don't know how evil my family can be. You don't know. They were just showing to you that they're kind because you're rich.

Especially unnie.

But Jungkook doesn't seem to notice that, his attention is always on me and I'm really happy for that.

I felt the real meaning of love when we're together alone.

It makes me think that I will be able to get the life that I wished for everyday. To live without them.

"I'm really sorry, I still have things to do." I said when he got inside. "It's fine, I understand. Your Eomma says she's teaching you and your sister how to become a better woman so I really understand." He smiles at me.

Teaches us to be a better woman? No. She only teaches unnie. Not to become a better woman, but to become a woman who has a great knowledge of stealing something.

I want to hide the truth, but how could I when my family is even proud of it?

They have the knowledge of stealing. They steal everything that they wanted to have. They were reported multiple times but they haven't been sent to the jail as they were associated with one of the robbers here in our country that has great connection the the goverment.

If the person wouldn't give what they wanted, they will leave no choice but to kill that person. They know how to use different kinds of guns. Especially the things that are known to people who's into torturing.

That's what I hate when they beat me, they use their things.

I just nodded at him. As he's a professional driver, we arrived to our house within 30 minutes.

"I'm not going to attend school for a week." He says.

"Huh? Wae?" I don't know why, but I felt nervous when he said that.

I don't think I'll be able to survive being on school, alone. He's the one who protects me from my bullies.

With him, I feel safe. Safer than anyone else.

"We're visiting my grandparents on another country." He says. "We'll be staying there for a week."


I nodded my head at him. I have no rights to tell him to just stay here. It's his grandparents! He's really close to them!

And I met them once when he brought me to their home, and his grandparents are there as they're enjoying their vacation in our country. His grandparents are really sweet, he's so lucky to have them.

"I'll be fine." I said.

"I'll ask Jimin hyung if he could look after you--"

"Ani!" I strongly disagree. I ain't close with him. Plus, I don't want to bother him. "I'll be fine, really." I smiled at him.

"Then I'll just send some of our men to watch you. So they can report to me if they bullied you while I was away." He says. "That's final."

I sighed, nodding my head. "Arasseo."

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