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It's the end of the month and here we are, watching Mina unnie forcefully marry the womanizer. I've seen how sad her eyes were when she was getting prepared. It must have been so hard for her.

I admire Mina unnie for being so strong, she raised her daughter alone. Although she's got help from her family and her friends, she manage to raise her without having any complications. She got pregnant at an early age, she can even abort it because the womanizer left her but she chose to let her baby have the chance to live and see the world what it is today.

She had the choice of whether she'll raise her kid alone or send her back to Him because she doesn't want her to grow up without a father and Mina unnie took the first risk. She was beyond happier when her daughter came into her life as if she finally completed her purpose in life.

Having a great responsibility at a young age is too hard, this is why teenage pregnancy has always been every country in every continent's problem. Young and naive teenagers who are always been curious about everything. Schools should have been teaching them that pre-marital sex shouldn't be done unless you are finally married. It's not because of the hormones of these teenagers why teenage pregnancy occurs, it is also because they are curious about the euphoric feeling when having sexual intercourse.

Sure they heard it from people who have sold their bodies for a living or those who are on the Rated 21+ websites that post videos of people having sex but what exactly is the feeling when you're doing it?

Schools should hold a meeting with all their professors and show them the importance of how should they be able to elaborate when they're tackling sex, it is important for teenagers to know the consequences if they try to have sex to feed their curiosity. Teenagers these days are very adamant, they want to know every single thing without thinking of what consequences will they face sooner.

"I heard you were doing great as the COO." Sana unnie starts a conversation with me.

It's been a few days since their wedding, we went to Jeju for a vacation. We will be staying here for quite more days before returning to our daily life.

"Yeah." I smiled in return. "Good thing Jungkook's taking good care of you, I'm quite surprised Nayeon unnie hasn't grilled him yet." I agree, unnie.

Speaking of Jungkook... he was trying his very best to avoid showing his possessiveness. He's not yet doing a great job but I can see his everyday attempts. Mingyu oppa is calling me often these days and Jungkook never butts in our conversation which is an achievement, I am considering it. He waits patiently for us to end the call and that's where he's going to ask about what we've talked about. He was controlling himself from doing those things he usually does when he gets jealous.

When he takes me out, he's unbelievably calm. When someone tries to flirt with me, he's gonna let me push the man away, and he has stopped interfering, he has set his boundaries as my suitor. He is showing me that he can actually change, I'm proud.

"You're doing great, Tzuyu. You really have potential in the industry." Sana unnie smiles. "You just need to improve your skills."

I know I have, I don't really like bragging about it. And I have two companies to handle already, two branches of cosmetics store and a clothing line soon. There's no need to build my own company. And there are a lot of skills required when starting your own company. I am introverted and I sometimes get social anxiety when speaking in meetings.

I enjoyed our stay in Jeju, the marvelous beach that Jeju is always been proud to brag about looks so majestic. Jungkook took a lot of photos of me on the beach, even at night when we decided to have a stroll.

"You okay?" I was brought back to reality when I heard Jungkook.

It's been a few days since we got back to Seoul. I feel worried for Nayeon unnie.

Something happened on our last day in Jeju, a married couple showed up and claims that Nayeon unnie is their daughter, their long-lost daughter they said! One thing that convinced me unnie is really their daughter is their similar facial features. You can't just brush it off and say it was just a coincidence.

Nayeon unnie was very bewildered by it. Even I! The others don't look surprised, they even recognized them! Jungkook told me that they met the married couple when we first went to Jeju when they proposed a deal.

I'm worried about my unnie because she looks so strange. She was so baffled that it caused her to
space out the whole time. I'm not even sure if she's doing her work right. The sudden revelation affected her.

And so does I.

Are they really related to Nayeon unnie as they say they are her parents? Her real parents? Does Hara unnie know something about this before she died? I don't know why but I have this feeling Hara unnie somehow knows about this matter.

She's like an investigator. Although they weren't that filthy rich as the boys, their men can have every of your secret, even the dirtiest ones in their hands. That is why I wasn't really surprised when she got to know about my and Jungkook's sudden closure.

"Hey, you're spacing out."

I gave Jungkook a short smile. My hand reached for my laptop, closing it as I heaved a long and deep sigh. "Sorry, it's just... Nayeon unnie was behaving strangely since we got back."

"I'm thinking she's trying to find a way how to know the truth, no married couple like them will suddenly come to you and claim you as their daughter." I told him.

"Don't you think they're saying the truth? You can't deny how similar their faces are." He asks.

"I'm not that fully convinced but I'm having a theory that they are." I revealed. What if unnie got kidnapped when she was a baby? What if unnie was left in some park because they forgot about her? But that's unbelievable, Tzuyu! No parent can forget about their baby when they go out.

But what if... what if unnie was kidnapped?

And the couple that took her in was just pretending to be her parents?

This is making my mind blown!

This is somewhat making sense and I don't know why! How did she possibly got kidnapped?! Did they kidnap her or did someone kidnapped her?! But how did she end up in their hou—

Oh my goodness, this is so stressful.

Okay, your unnie has this under control, Tzuyu. There's nothing to worry about, that is your unnie talking about. She can handle these things and she'll figure out the truth sooner.

Or maybe later.

But what if...

But what if unnie was kidnapped, and that couple who took her in found her in the kidnappers' place and raised her as their own and the married couple who we bumped into turned out as her real parents...

Does that mean...

I also have the possibility of being kidnapped as well?

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