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Our trip to America was, unfortunately, canceled. Both Nayeon unnie and Yoongi oppa did not come and meet us due to my unnie going missing. Jungkook first got the news from Yoongi oppa himself. It was already night in Seoul when we entered the air Western countries breath. Not a minute later, her parents then called me and informed me of the news, being as worried as them, I dialed Nayeon unnie's number and contacted her. 

She's refusing to tell me her location, afraid I might tell it to the person she was despising at the moment. Truthfully, I do am going to do it. I saw his efforts winning unnie's heart's back. I can see deep in her eyes that she also wants to give him a chance, the only thing stopping her is her pride and ego. She is not yet accepting the fact that all her hard work all these years turned into dust. I can't really blame unnie, I mean we are in the same shoes but not really in the same. We have different reasons why we've become like this, our past was only very similar, not the same.

He made her believe those lies he told her, he was forced to do it so, what she couldn't yet see is how much he just wanted to rest right next to her, his warmth.  His life. His everything. Unnie's mind can't yet accept these. It's playing tricks on her hence, the reason for the way she acts when he's around. 

We caught a flight back home right after the plane we rode landed, in spite of the tiredness, we still flew back without having a rest for a few hours, I have reasons why this trip has, have to be canceled. We both planned this, it's going to be very thoughtless of me if I continue it because of my own feelings. It is such a waste to cancel it, however, should it still be considered to be called 'trip' when you're the only one who went for it? When the person that planed this with you is not with you?

I didn't forget to inform the other girls, they were also worried for Nayeon unnie, Jungkook does the same to his other hyungs, the womanizer even shouted it out loud due to shock. No one expected Nayeon unnie to run away, well maybe a little bit of percent someone thought about it but anyways, her understanding when it comes to situations similar to this is wide, she assesses the situation first before deciding what she will do next. 

The last thing I knew about her in the meantime is that Jeongyeon unnie was with her. Jeong unnie said it would be best for now that she won't tell us their whereabouts. If Yoongi oppa was hurting, so does Nayeon unnie. She needs time. 

I looked after our company as Nayeon unnie requested. I wonder where were they staying, my guess is that they're somewhere near a beach. Nayeon unnie likes the ambiance there as it helps her think thoroughly about her soon-to-be-made decision. I tried tracking her location but got nothing, her location is turned off, so does her phone I guess. And Jeongyeon unnie's too. 

"Hyung has been trying to track since the minute she ran from him," says Jungkook after I asked what Yoongi oppa was doing. I feel sad and hurt for the two. If only things got clearer when they were still in college, maybe, this never happened. 

"Don't worry, we're here to help, though we also think it might be best to give noona time, as what Jeongyeon noona said." he continued. "Besides, she'll be okay, Jeongyeon noona is quite used to situations like these, she's the girls' shoulders before you guys met them."

Right, she knew how to comfort her without even asking how. She's got experience from the other unnies' heartbreaks. 

"But what about her?" I questioned, out of nowhere. "If Jeong unnie's the one who comforts them when they were at their lowest then who comforts her when she's in that place?"

Jungkook was stunned for a good moment, he doesn't know what to answer. Does that mean Jeong unnie hasn't yet experienced that? I don't think that's possible, the other girls and she were friends for a long time before Hara unnie introduced us to each other, she must have had that in her past. 

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