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Nick's heart began to beat faster and faster.

She giggled noticing his slight jump at the contact. I guess I'll warn you next time she laughed as they to entered the picnic spot Nick had set up incredibly.

What felt like hours had gone by with Y/N and Nick in the park, even though they were already best friends, The two both learned something new about one another.

Nick adored her and Y/N adored him.
He wanted her to be his. Nick had such strong feelings for Y/N especially now.

He took a sip of his Arizona iced tea with wide worried eyes, she looked at him concerned.

"What's up Mara," she asked moving slightly closing to the nervous guy.
"Um I don't know how to say this Y/N but..."
he stuttered putting down his iced tea.

"Is it bad?" The girl spoke worried about what he was going to say, placing a hand on his leg.

"No not all Y/N."
"It's just we've known each other for a while now and I like you and the more I get to know you, the stronger my feelings are for you." He whispered the last part then looked up to her staring at him.

"Oh Y/N, you don't have to feel the same-" She cut him off pressing her lips upon him gently.

Y/N pulled back and Nick ran his thumb across his lips, Still in deep shock at what had just happened.

"Does that answer your question, Mara?" She giggled moving her hair behind her ear.

"There's one more thing," He said holding her hand in his.

"Do you promise to be my girl forever and ever Y/N?" Nick said getting out two silver platinum promise rings.

"Yes I promise forever and ever it is you and me against the world." she squealed happily hugging Nick tightly he hugged her tighter than ever he was beyond happy.

He did it.
He finally has the girl of his dreams right in his arms. Just two best friends turned into lovers.

"Through promises."

A/N: hey guys I'm proud of this one
it took me a while to write.

So please enjoy and vote and comment more and imagine ideas.


Till next time 💫...

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