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It was currently about 7:00 am you had just woken up you quickly took a shower and got dressed in a black crop top and some blue jeans with your black vans

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It was currently about 7:00 am you had just woken up you quickly took a shower and got dressed in a black crop top and some blue jeans with your black vans.

You then tied your hair up in a long high ponytail. Once you were done you checked your watch and it was about 7:15 am.

You skipped downstairs to get some breakfast and just then you heard your mom say "Good morning y/n ready for school." You replied with "Yes, ma." and you began eating after you ate you quickly made your way to get your purse and binders then left through the front door.

It was now 1st-period science, today your teacher was assigning lab partners.

Eventually, she called out your name
"Y/N and Zion together." Once she said that you turned to look at Zion realising you were probably the one that was going to do most of the work, Well you were a straight-A student.

Yes I'm lab partners with y/n I thought
The reason why I'm so over the moon is because I am in love with y/n. Since the beginning of time. She's all I have ever wanted.

Well like come on she's smart and of course, she is freaking beautiful, I want her to be mine so hopefully this partner situation brings us closer together because I like her.

Well as much as I think he's a failure in school
He is pretty cute like those biceps and that sly ass smirk of his wow I want him,
I need him oh baby oh baby.
Ok Y/N snap out of it.

After school, I had gone straight home but all
I could think about Zion I just couldn't get him out of my mind, Like do I like him, or are my stupid ass feelings taking over...

A/N: part 2 coming soon.

What do you think will happen next though
will you end up with z or just be friends or Friends with benefits?


𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘𝐌𝐔𝐂𝐇, 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now