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"I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU KISSED HER!"I screamed with fresh tears streaming down my face

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I screamed with fresh tears streaming down my face. Brandon and I had caught my now ex-boyfriend kissing another girl.

''SHE KISSED ME, BABE!'' "I AM SO SORRY!!"He screamed back at me.

Brandon moved closer to me ready to pounce at my boyfriend if he tried anything physical, Brandon had given us a ride to my boyfriend's house, he was wanting to spend the night.

''YOU LIAR!" I cried out I- saw you down her throat I-I can't believe you're lying to me! ''

He clenched his jaw.

''Why do you even care, huh!? he asked.

''Maybe, because I am your girlfriend?''
"You fucking idiot?!"

''Well get over it! okay?! He shouted, gritting his teeth and clenching his fists I had seen my boyfriend get mad before but never at this state. Brandon could even tell, he was nonchalantly protecting me, I felt safe with him by my side.

''Woah, bro calm the fuck down!" Brandon said as he protectively rested his hands on his shoulders. my boyfriend glared at me and shoved Brandon back to me. He looked down at me, making me feel small a feeling I wasn't going to have.

''GET OVER IT, OKAY?!'' I shouted back looking at Brandon and gripping his jacket to bring him much closer to me, causing his eyebrows to raise looking confused.

"How would you feel if I kissed one of my friends, huh?'' I said, gripping Brandon's jacket tighter.

"Oh please I have seen the way you two look at each other,'' He spat. "And I know he's in love with you. I just haven't said anything because I didn't want you to leave me like a loner.''

He said, looking down and crossing his arms.

"You're an insecure, piece of fucking shit!!!"

I gritted my teeth, bringing Brandon to face closer and planting a huge kiss on his sweet pink lips. I made sure to make it good and long, so my boyfriend could get the same feeling I did.

After about 5-25 seconds later, we finally pulled away, leaving Brandon breathless with a blushed face, and lip gloss stains across his mouth. I looked back at my boyfriend to see him with a clenched jaw glaring at both of us.

''Fine, you know what I did kiss her,''
And I enjoyed every, single, bit of it.''
"I have been planning on making a move on that broad for a while now, she's got a nice ass."

I could feel Brandon stiffen from beside me, I could see him clench at every word. his jaw and fists at the corner of my eyes, his breathing picking up.

''Don't fucking talk to her like that, bro," Brandon said cracking his knuckles.
My ex-boyfriend raised his eyebrows.

"Oh yeah!? and what are you gonna do about it??" He said stepping closer towards Brandon. I gulped.

My boyfriend and Brandon were both tall the same height, only Brandon was slightly less muscular than him. But I did know how well Brandon could fight. He almost beat a guy to death once me having to step in and take him away playing getaway and helping Brandon escape prison time.

''STOP!?" I yelled at my boyfriend.

"You're a fucking useless piece of trash, go to fucking hell you lonely insecure fucker."

"You could never keep your dick hard by the way, you also could only last 5 seconds so I would kill myself if I were you."
"You're a disgrace, go get hit by a train or something you cocksucker!"

He looked down at the floor, speechless and angry looking to pounce on anything.
And that's when Brandon had it, He bought his arm back and forth punching my boyfriend's face, repeatedly knocking him to the floor in utter pain. He bled uncontrollably, laying on the dirty cold driveway ground unconscious.

'"God, he deserved that,'" I sighed in relief.

As I made my way towards the door,
I knew I had been wearing his shirt so I raised it over my head leaving me in only leggings and a Nike sports bra causing Brandon to go wide-eyed.

''Keep the shit you're a dead man,!" I said as I threw it at my unconscious ex. The bloody mess.
I took Brandon's hand and dragged him away from the deserted driveway. Before throwing a large rock at my ex's car windows making sure to break every single one. I keyed the words cocksucker onto the side.

I then walked in a classy manner to Brandon's passenger side of his car and broke down as soon as I stepped foot into the car.

Immediately the driver's side door swung open and I was comforted by Brandon's loving arms.

"Shush..." He whispered to me softly calm down Y/N,'' He said gently, causing me to calm down breathing in and out.

''He is worth fucking nothing." He told me those words touching my heart. He was always so caring. He was the best person I've ever known.

We hugged each other for a good while in comfortable silence then finally left the house of a boy
I thought cared about me.

Well, I was wrong...


𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐘𝐌𝐔𝐂𝐇, 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬Where stories live. Discover now