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Lexi's pov,

I was tired of waiting and spying on them but these boring lads can't ever be interesting for once.

I am generally a very good and respective person, don't get me wrong. but, the way these people's love story is going on, I feel like I will be Grandma already when they will be agreeing to marry each other.

For god's sake!

I am so done with their mushy pushy talks and now it's time to have some fun. Don't you guys think as well?

I have a great plan ahead!
Follow me........

So it's like my aunt hasn't missed me already .she haven't been back from her voyage yet and a few hours back I have gotten a message saying she will be back after a week. so, that means I am having this house for a week and I am going to take advantage of that.

I ran towards the market, took the biggest trolley I can afford to have in my sight and started loading everything edible. I don't even know how much it's worth but making up for all those times where I have shredded stupid tears, for all these people I am making up for it now by doing this.

For these two special people who mean world, universe and planet to me, you got my point, right? After, paying my bills I rode back to my place. I placed everything in my not so huge fridge and wherever I can see someplace to stuff things which I couldn't adjust in there.

After this, I ran a call to Tiffany's mum, told her everything and after she gave her permit. we took off our plan on the next level. she has a centre driver within a half-hour with all of Tiffany's stuff. I loaded them all in my guest room.

I took some of my clothes I can find and packed them, send them off with the driver.  I just have to retrieve their cell phones, cut off my all landlines connection so they won't be able to call anyone.

After rechecking everything, I took a deep breath. I took my time and went ahead inside my room which was filled with my precious babies. I neared Marky, he was looking cute, being all cuddled up to her. I took a snap in my cell and I almost had a heart attack when Marky moved a little.


I was about to back off but he was back to being all cuddly.  I got my hands on  Tiffany's phone near my nightstand and I found Marky's cell on my bed.

Sorry babies, this is all for your betterment.  hope you guys won't castrate me alive after being aware of all this.
God have mercy on me and bless me already.

I closed all windows and doors with my fingerprints. I h  t has had has been installed my security system. but, now I feel like I am a genius. they won't be able to open, nor they will be able to break it off because of the quality of my glasses and their phones are far from them as well.

All set to go. I locked my door and informed my neighbour that I was going to my relative's house for a week and she doesn't need to be mindful about my home being insecure.



Marcus's pov,

When I woke up I felt like someone had beaten me black and blue and my body was stiff and aching like hell. I was about to move when I found Tiffany asleep on my shoulder, holding my waist like I was some kind of a teddy bear.

Watching her like that in my arms I felt like, I shouldn't move and let her have her slumber. I didn't want to break the moment,  but the pain I had was terrible and I kept making different facial expressions to keep myself busy and distracted from all this pain. My exercise was halted,  when I found her detaching herself from me.

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