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In a small cozy eatery, named 'cups and crunch' where one can have lunch, snacks and some beverages to help themselves, two women were sitting with some soft drinks in their hands, perched on plush bean bags.

Talking seems less, for the amount of conversation they are having, looks like they are catching up maybe after a long period of time. Rattling about something intriguing as one can see their face changing into exciting ones, then bursting into laughter and further dissolves into hysteria.

One of these two ladies is exquisite with sharp facial features, straight nose, and amber eyes which will become bigger and shine when something more surprising comes out from the other lady.

The second lady is elegant as well with hazel coloured eyes, gold being the dominant colour, cute small nose and thick curly eyelashes bringing out her beautiful eyes more prominently.

These two fine ladies were shooting arrows on males heart surrounding them with their sweet laugh and divine grace.

The second lady voiced her commotion, "Tiff, Aren't u babbling about the Marcus?"

The second lady raised a question to bring out some outcome out of her friends face who just shrugged and retorted, "Didn't I did an adequate think by detaching myself when he himself offered that."

This is how their chitchat came to halt and they stood up to take off. they bid farewell by hugging each other and kissing each other cheeks sweetly and left to their respective chauffeur who leads the way to their awaiting car.

Tiffany was a mesmerising beauty with long wavy pelts reaching her lower back, she had enormous amber coloured eyes.she was average short women with slightly curvy body while Alex was a little bit taller as compared to her .she had athletic built body with bends at perfect places .she was dazzling and stylish, full confident .one can see her confidence reflecting from her smooth body language, and calm facial expressions.

Tiffany was at her place laying down with thousands of thought unfolding, making her restless.she was thinking about a certain someone whom she idolized a lot and at the last lost him.

What was her fault??.......

Hey guys!this is my first time writing on Wattpad. So I don't know much about how all this works but yeah I am trying and hoping you all will like my work.
Thanks a lot for checking out my novel and if you like it then please vote and share with your friends. see ya!...

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