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Marcus pov,

I don't understand what changed in these few minutes, what occurred suddenly that she is avoiding me like plague.

I am not liking it one bit. she should be confiding me about her problems like before and here she's acting like I am an outsider. a stranger.

It was bringing my already lighten up the mood to downfall.

I was serving some lasagna for her on a plate when she came and perched on the sofa in front, sighing loudly.

There seems to be some battle going on, inside her, and stubborn ass won't tell me easily.

After prepping lasagna, some beverages and water, I took lunch to her, placing the table on the front table and crouching next to her.

Her beautiful amber orbs were fixated on the screen of the tv, some cartoon going on. I took the remote from the front table and changed the channel to a discovery one.

"Gemme, the damn remote, Anderson." She spat out, gritting her teeth.

"So, we are on a surname basis, I see." I retorted, my eyes still on the screen which was Irking her more. she left, giving a loud sigh.

What is she doing?..

I almost ran to catch her up and clasped her hand." what's wrong? something distressing you?" I inquired in a soft tone.

"I am good, who said so?" She frowned and started for the stairs when I yanked her hand, already clasped in my hand.

She stumbled backwards, both hands stabilizing on my chest, from the effect while my hand were around her waist, to stop her from falling, and fleeing from me.

"Can you calm down a bit? and explain what happened?" I asked her softly, while she was perplexed.

Her breath was audible in my ears, her cheeks flushing red from shyness. It brought a smirk to my face and she realized what she was doing.

She pushed me away slightly, answering, "Not your concern, Anderson. You better stay away from me. who knows when you will  flee away leaving me baffled, while I'll be a crying mess thinking it was my fault."

Her words were damaging me more than she could have imagined and my hold on her loosened and she took it upon to free  herself.

I balled my fist tightly and hit the wall adjacent to me, loud cracking of my finger bones ranged in the whole house and my hand was on fire.

The pain shooting from my fingers to shoulders making me wince a little, but her trying to belittle me with my surname, taunting me as if I did something to deserve it was aching my heart more than my hand.

How can she be still mad after all that I have elaborated her?

She thinks it's all easy on me. I never enjoyed my stay away from her. I hated every second I spent thinking about how much of a mess she must be.

Cursing, I ran on the roof. I needed fresh air to clear my fuzzy was like all emotions I buried deep were rigged and opened.

I sauntered towards the railing, watching the serenity of thr night. I wish I could have done more to make her understand everything. I wish I could bring out our old friendship somehow, then it would have been easier to confess my feelings.

I hit my already injured hand at the railing, making bloodlines trickling down. i started taking a deep and long breath.

I wish Lexi was here, to lend me hand for my busted self.

I was irked out of my mind ,a loud sigh left from my mouth when I heard someone shuffling behind me.

Oh ,now we are talking,I see.

I was about to pass her when she took hold of my injured hand,I tried to yank it  off when she muttered.

"Don't even think about it."she knew I was about to get rid of her and maybe won't want to treat my hand but here she is , stubborn as hell and sweet as honey.

Caring for me always came naturally to her,which was fueling my anger.she wants to look out for me yet not want to share anything with me.


She kept patching my injured hand and I took my time, drinking her in.she looked beautiful and radiating always.she have had this bright and peaceful aura  around her which brings people in.

Her innocence are always on display without her being aware of it.i always feared before about her ,that some jerk might take advantage of her and may damage her in some way but seeing her so far ,it doesn't seem so and I wish it's like this only.

After her nursing me,she sauntered quietly to her room.i left her to do so because I wanted her to cool off for sometime,she needed some space to sort out her mind.

Two days ,were wasted just like that.

On third day,when I woke up i found myself in heaven,the aroma of something great just rumbled my stomach in hunger.

I sat up lazily,rubbed my hands around my face to get rid of drowsiness and realized I slept away on sofa,in the living room.

What she does to me?
Her sour mood always rubs off on me easily.i never liked her being sad and tensed,if it were in my control I'd do anything for her just to make her smile ,just for that darn contagious smile which can brighten anyone's world without them being aware of.

When I was wide awake ,she tethered towards me with a plate of goodies and I didn't have to be told because loving food was my thing ,I ate so much yet I never had fat around my body much and I am grateful about that.

I had this lanky body before but now I think I have grown muscles and flesh in all the right places.

She might be finding me handsome?or maybe hot?

I sighed dramatically,I am so in love with her.i am whipped man!

Can anyone love anybody since forever and not be known about it?

I was such a twat for not seeing this,this bond and all the beautiful things in between us.we bonded so easily and moulded perfectly in Harmony for each other.i wish I can have her in my life and I couldn't ask for anything I swear.

That girl is worth EVERYTHING
I wanna give world to her.
I wanna love her ,marry her and have this cute family with her.


Marriage? Seriously dude,I can't
Believe myself.

I  love her to the point,where I wanna marry her....

Hell ya! I do


Hey guys , wsup!

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I wanna write some more stuff for ya guys!

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