Chapter 4

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Justins pov.

When i woke up in the morning i realized everything was a dream. I sat on my bed rethinking what my mom had told me. I cant just stop bulling her. I'll just lay off a bit i guess. I go down stairs and start walking to school since its right their. I walk in school and go to my locker and grab my books and homework i bump into somebody and drop my books. "shit! Watch where your going next time!" i yell. I see acacia bending down and getting my books. When she hands them to me i notice her hands trembling in fear. I look into her eyes and see shes scared. Am i really that scary? She looks at me like im going to kill her.. Like i almost did yesterday. "im sorry" she whipsers. "uh its okay just watch were your going next time." i say. She looks up and me her eyes wide. Shes probably wonderig why i didnt call her something or slap her. All i know is that its all for you mom.

Acacias pov. I walk into school and gather my books. Im checking my homework while walking and i accidently bump into someone. I look to see who it is and its justin. "shit! Watch where your going next time!" he yells. I bend down to get his books quickly. I pick them up and hand then to him "im sorry" i whisper. I see him study my face. "its okay just watch were your going next time" he says. No name calling no slapping no nothing. My eyes widened, i cant believe he didnt do anything. We both walk away and go to first hour. Victoria is sitting on his lap making out with him like normal. Oh did i forget to mention they are day? Yeah. They are. Mr. Loster walks in the room and begins calling role. After that he says, "okay we are doing group projects!" "yes!" everyone says knowing we will get to pick partners. I just look down knowing i'll be doing mine alone like always since no one likes me. "now hold one guys ive decided that im going to pick the partners!" he says. "awh man." "this sucks" "damn." echoes the room from the class. "now, chaz&jessi, ashley&logan, kayla&quinn, jasmine&ellie, peyton&greg, ryan&samantha, morgan&cooper, victoria&tyler, & lastly justin&acacia." he said. Uh oh. Im pared up with justin for a project. This is not good. He told us what our projects are on and that they will be due in a week.

Justins pov.

I walk in class and see victoria sitting down. I sit behind her and she sits on my lap and starts making out with me. Hey im fine with it. Mr. Whatever comes in class and starts going on about some project of course im happy because we get to pick our partners. I turn to chaz and ryan and smile, but then i look behind them and see acacia. She looks sad, shes just starring down at her paper. Now i feel bad because no one likes her ive made so many rumors about her. The teacher says that hes picking our partners. Oh great. I sit their waiting for my name to be called and it is. With acacia. He explains the project and the bell finanlly rings.

*skip to the end of school*

I see acacia at her locker. I walk up to her. "hey" i say. "hi.." she says. "um since we have that project im going to need your number." "oh its ___-____" (just make up one.) "okay thanks" i say. "welcome, um.. Do you know.. Whos house.. We are going to do it at?" she says shly not knowing to ask. "can we do it at yours?" i state not wanting her to get hurt from alex. I mean, i dont care about her i just dont want mom to think stuff you know? I dont care about her. "yeah sure.. " she says. "can we start tonight so we can get it over with?" i say a little rudely not knowing why. "yes" she says very quiet. We both start walking to her house.

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