2 - its 10 in the morning?

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a story by simpnanigans

ding, ding, ding

. . .

ding, ding, ding

. . .

ding, ding, ding

. . .

. . .

. . .

ding, ding, ding

i let out a loud groan. i sat up out of bed, and picked up my phone.

an unknown number was calling. usually, i wouldnt pick up. but, it was 10 in the morning
and this person had called me like, a gazillion times.

"hello?" i said, my voice raspy from it being 10 IN THE MORNING.

a familiar voice spoke. "spencer! hi!"


"the one and only!" he shouted.

"why are you calling me? its 10 in the morning-"

"well, if you must know, sap gave me your number last night, but i thought
id be courteous and wait until morning to call you." he interrupted.

"wow, thank you so much." i mumbled sarcastically.

"he didnt want to give me your number, but i convinced him by saying
that if something bad were to ever happen to him, or you, youd have my number just in case."

"why do you want my number so bad, you obsessed with me or something?"

"no? its so i can make fun of you without having to go on discord, cause i assume you dont use it that much."

"im gonna go shower, thanks for waking me up, asshole."

dreams pov

"you assume correct. im gonna go shower, thanks for waking me up, asshole." she said before hanging up.

i let out a little laugh as i head out to my kitchen.

"clay, honey? is that you?" my mom called out.

"oh! hi, mom, hi drista, didnt know you guys were here yet." i say, waving to my mom and sister in the kitchen.

i sit myself on a stool next to my sister and pull out my phone.

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