5 - haircut (dreams pov)

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a story by simpnanigans


why have u been talking to spencer so much lately


she said youve been annoying her

i bug her sometimes as a joke lol
nothing more

it better stay nothing more i dont want u flirting with my sister
especially since were so close
im just protective of her yk

yeah i get that
sorry i didnt think youd get upset
if it makes u feel any better i think she hates me

im not upset i just wanted to make sure u werent flirting with her or anything

im not dont worry

okay good
im going to bed now

bye :)


i pulled my blanket over my body and sighed. did it really seem like i was flirting with her? i hope it didnt, because spencer is the LAST person i would ever flirt with. and even if i wanted to flirt with her, she practically hates me, so it wouldnt matter anyway.

it was weird how nick got so defensive over spencer. i understand shes his sister, but even if i was interested in her, doesnt he trust me enough?

it doesnt matter though, because im definitely NOT interested in her...


the next morning

i slowly sat up from bed, turning to my clock to check the time.

"2 pm? shit! why didnt my alarm go off?!" i exclaimed, quickly rushing out of bed. i put on a shirt and a pair of jeans as fast as i could, grabbed my keys and quickly ran out the door.

"fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!" i shouted, pulling out of my driveway and speeding down the street.

"im gonna be late, goddamnit!"

i have an appointment to get my haircut today at 2:30. i havent been outside in months, and decided the first step to getting back out was a haircut. my hairs gotten so long that i have to tie it back when i eat, or gets in my eyes when im recording.

luckily, not many people are out on the streets at 2 pm on a thursday, so i arrived to the salon pretty quickly.

i quickly rushed through the door. "hey! am i late? im sorry, my alarm didnt go off and i woke up like 30 minutes ago,"

just as the lady brought me to her chair and started to cut my hair, i got a text.


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