10 - what if

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a story by simpnanigans

id like to preface this by saying i have never been on a plane or inside an airport, so take the airport portion of this chapter with a grain of salt because i dont know what im doing. i also tried to skip through it quickly because IDK HOW IT WORKS but anyway enjoy

day of florida...

"spencer! hurry up, we have to go!" nick shouted, knocking on my door. "i already got all our shit into the car, lets go!"

"im coming!" i shouted back, grabbing one final bag off of the floor.

i walked out of my room and flashed a sarcastic smile at nick, him gladly returning the favor.

we headed out to the car and he drove to the airport, him obviously having aux. (cause why would he let me play aux in my own car? crazy idea.)

eventually, we arrived at the airport.

"soo, what now?" i said, looking at the high ceilings of the airport.

"we go through security," nick said, pulling me off to security.

they scanned us with metal detectors, looked through our bags, and all that security stuff; but i was far too nervous to even pay attention.

i had seen dreams face before, but ive never seen him in person. and over the summer im bound to meet his family, and what if i mess it all up? what if me hating him messes it all up?

with all these thoughts were rushing through my mind, i hadnt even noticed that nick was about 10 feet ahead of me, walking somewhere else.

i grabbed my suitcase and ran after him. "bro, nick, come back!" i shouted.

"jeez, i forgot youve never been in an airport." he said as i ran to his side.

i shoved his shoulder and pulled out my phone. it was 9:45, and our flight was at 10:00. "soo, what do we do now?"

"we wait for our flight to be called." he said as he plopped down into a chair.

i sat next to him and scrolled through twitter, and the next thing i know our flight had been called and we were on our way into the plane.

"this is terrifying," i whispered, holding onto the seat arms for dear life.

"youll be fine," he laughed.

but i wasnt fine, i wasnt anywhere near fine. i was worried about the plane, my stuff, nick, and the entire trip. sure, i'd get to go to florida, but what if i messed it all up? what if i broke something at dreams house, or if i burned it down?

"im scared," i chuckled, looking over at nick.

"what? why?" he questioned.

"cause what if i ruin your trip?" i said, fidgeting with my phonecase.

"you wont ruin it," he laughed. "itll be fun, dont worry."

"okay," i sighed, before slowly drifting off to sleep.

short chapter bc im working on cool stuff for u all!!
sorry its so rushed D:

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