8 - im pretty sure

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a story by simpnanigans

(id like to preface this chapter by saying- this story is currently taking place in late may 2021. spencer & sap have turned 20, dream is in prison, all that jazz. by the time spencer is in florida, it will be late june. ok i felt the need to clear that up so nobody gets confused ok carry on continue have fun and thx for reading!

4 weeks until florida...

i rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen,
pouring myself a glass of water.

"im not changing my opinion, die hard is not a christmas movie!" nick argued.

"no need to argue with me because im not changing my opinion either. it literally takes place during a christmas party, its a christmas movie!" i laughed.

he rolls his eyes and laughs, picking up his phone. he smirks to himself, before quickly putting on a straight face. "im sorry spence, i know we were gonna watch a movie but dream needs me to-"

"its okay! we can watch it another time, you go help dream." i said, cutting him off.

"are you sure? i can tell him im busy, really its-"

"no, go! really, its okay." i said, cutting him off yet again.

"hm.. how about you come on his stream aswell? maybe you guys will get along," he suggested.

"hm.. i dont know,"

"please! itll be fun, were playing bedwars! you love bedwars!" he pleaded.

"fine, but only because its bedwars."

"sweet! see you in a minute, then!" he said, running off to his room.

i rolled my eyes and smiled to myself as i walked toward my bedroom.

i open the door and hop onto my chair, turning on my computer and opening up discord.

a few seconds later, nick had invited me to a server, and after i had joined i was met by a few names i had recognized from


@spence <3 guys my sister is joining
say hi and be nice pls

spence <3


hi spencer welcome!!



spence <3
wgat is this
is this like all ur bedwars friends whats going on here

youll see
everyone join vc1 so we can welcome spencer
pls be nice

spence <3
even me??

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