7 - as much as i may hate dream,

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a story by simpnanigans

i stepped out of my room, my hair still dripping wet. "nick? come here!"

"yeah?" he said, slowly walking out of his room.

i sat down on the couch, gesturing to the empty spot next to me. "sit, i wanna ask you something!"

he sat down in the seat next to me. "okay,"

"so you have plans to go to florida," i started, nicks eyes widening. "and you didnt bother to invite me?"

"well, the plans werent confirmed," he stuttered. "and i didnt wanna tell you until i knew i was going for sure. plus, you hate dream! i didnt think youd wanna go," he said, smiling nervously.

"well, if youre okay with it, i wanna go. as much as i hate dream, i would never pass up a trip to florida."

"yeah, thats fine! you can come if he says its okay." he mumbled nervously, clearly still nervous about me being 'upset'.
"great," i smiled. "oh, by the way, dream said to respond to his texts about the confirmed date."

nick nodded and quickly walked back to his room, me walking to mine aswell.

what i said to my brother was true. as much as i hated dream, i wouldnt pass up a trip to florida. i could put up with dream for a few weeks if it meant i could sit at the beach all day.

we wont be going to florida until school is over in 2 weeks, but im completely okay with that. in the mean time, i just have to figure out how im gonna put up with dream for a month.


im coming to florida
with nick



wait r u fr

yes lol

so YOU are coming to florida
where I LIVE with your brother who is coming to see ME
and are going to be staying in MY HOUSE WITH ME for a MONTH??

i guess
i dont really like u but im willing to put up with you for a month if it means i get to go to florida

thanks! that really means a lot😐

i know youre welcome
anyway i need to go finish my art thing for my art class bye



i set my phone down and hummed to my playlist, scanning my artwork for any flaws that could lower my grade.
but, as always, my art was perfect. not a single flaw, not a single line that was out of place. every color was blended perfectly, every stroke was perfect.

art has always been my best class. i could be failing all my other classes, but i would still have a 100% in art. art is easy to pass when its more of a hobby compared to a grade.

i smiled to myself, and put my drawing back in my portfolio.

short chapter!! sorry i havent posted in a while ive been busy with school

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