The Facility

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A large ambulance comes in as Subject Lin is lifted onto a stretcher. Dr. K and a few other researchers are seen communicating about plans in the facility. "Unfortunately, there are too many humans with the virus. If we stay in the facility we can complete the research with little chance of contracting the virus." Dr. K explained to them. All of the scientists offered their looks of approval as they all stepped into the ambulance with the human. The drive there was silent, along from the occasional beep from the heart-rate monitor and breathing of Lin. Dr. K flips through his documents he collected on the information on Lin. "All of his vitals seem to be nothing out of the ordinary." He spoke as he frowned, looking back at Lin. "We can test him for the virus at our facility." He spoke with a more confident tone. All of the scientists with Lin in tow enter the facility. Someone is seen at the front desk, sitting there, staring at their monitor with a dead expression on their face. They looked up to meet the gaze of Dr. K, who scanned their ID card on the reader. Every other scientist followed his actions and all walk with him into the elevator. "When we get up there, we'll keep the subject asleep in a holding tube for now." Dr. K ordered the scientists around. They stepped into the room and stood Lin inside of the tube. The glass shoots up, then the pod begins to fill with anesthetics and gel. "Subject Lin has now been registered in the system." spoke a voice from the intercom. "Once we wake him back up, he'll have to scan his eyes at these attendance machines to make sure he's in good condition." explained Dr. K as the crowd of scientists walk away from the holding tubes. "Unfortunately, it seems that the latex we're experimenting on is a little aggressive." uttered Dr. K. "A few humans with the virus were assimilated and they exhibit no signs of the virus anymore." affirmed Dr. K as he pointed towards some pictures tacked to a billboard. "Unfortunately, they lose their memories, so I'm attempting to perfect it." continued Dr. K. Suddenly, a loud crashing is heard from a few rooms over, generating worried reactions from everyone. "WARNING. Dark Latex Containment Breach Detected. Seek Safety Immediately." boomed the voice from the intercom. Soon after, the same voice replies with "WARNING. Light Latex Containment Breach Detected. Seek Safety Immediately." The riots have just begun.

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