An Intelligent Sample

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As all the samples were running amok in the facility, a small dark latex pup wandered far from their pack, into the library, away from the noise. At first, the pup attempted to burrow into the bottom shelf of a bookcase. It worked for the most part until a group of scientist fleeing the Dark Latex run past the room, make sudden and loud sounds. In a panic, the pup jumps up and hits their head on the shelf, knocking over a book from the top. It lands in front of them, open to a random page. The book was a dictionary on English. Curious, the pup attempts to decipher the strange hieroglyphics on the two pages. Suddenly, a noise comes from one of the machines in the other room that grabs the pup's attention, and they quickly make their way to the small room. "A is for Apple!" boomed a machine in the corner of the room. A picture of an Apple accompanied by the Letter A flashed on the screen. The curious latex walks in front of it and sits down. "A...Ah..." went the latex as it attempted to sound out the phonetics of the word. "App..." continued the latex. "Apple." is what the latex came up with. Its eyes widen in surprise as it looks at the machine. "Apple! Apple! Apple!" repeated the latex in excitement.. Hours pass by as the latex learns from the machine. "Z is for Zebra!" concluded the machine. The latex stared in awe before repeating what the machine said. "Z-Zebra..." was what the latex said, before looking accomplished in itself. The latex makes its way back into the main section of the library, and begins to attempt to translate the strange language, picking up on patterns in the text. "En-glish..." read the latex. After hours of "reading"... the pup was hooked on attempting poor translations on books. The pup eventually exhausted itself out from all of the reading, and took a nap on a small beanbag at the center of the back of the room. It seems the cub has grown fond of books.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2021 ⏰

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