Chapter 1 - Bekerth

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"Hello, my name is Valian Dark. I am a transfer student from the Kingdom of Duxia. I am seventeen years old. I'm pretty open minded and reliant, so if you need help then ask me." The thought crossed through my head as I woke up from a nap. My nostrils flared up with the smell of fire. I quickly raised myself out of bed and rushed into the kitchen. I saw smoke spreading through the room, I swung open a window and waved it out.

After it cleared, I beamed at my father. He avoided my gaze and he laughed it off. I sighed and began cleaning up the burnt food while he stood at the table. My father was having a hard time after our mother recently passed and he was showing it.

"Did you forget you were cooking?" I asked. "I had to go out to the neighbors to help them with a tree." He said.  I finished picking at the crumbs and I looked back at him. The smoke had clouded his face earlier, but now I could see the pain that was eating at him. "Dad, I don't have to leave you now. I could always apply another year." I explained. He motioned for me to sit and I did.

The Kitchen felt cold and empty, Mom was always in here trying to cook us something we had never had. Dad grabbed my hand, "Your Mom told you to go, didn't she? She always believed that you were a good boy. One that would go out and shine a light that would change the world." He tightened his grip, "You're going. It's your mothers last request. I'll be fine!" His face tightened and his eyes teared up. I stood up and walked towards my room, "Okay, just be safe. Okay?" He nodded and I closed my door.

The next day I woke up around the same time. I quickly got ready and grabbed my bag and cloak. I positioned myself in front of my mothers mirror and looked at my face. My black hair had grown a bit and my eyes seemed to have darkened. My skin had pale complexion now and my body was still built. I felt a pain on my hand and examined an old scar from childhood.

I was a child around the age of seven or eight. I was in the kitchen with my mother, she was making food and I had a knife in my hand. She saw this and took it away, but not before slicing me. This hurt me and I cried, my mom apologized and took a cloth to my hand, but she stared at it in awe. I was confused and I looked and saw my wound being healed with some weird dark energy. I screamed and fell back. My mom grabbed me and held me close and started crying.

I looked at it again and rubbed it. I could still feel the pain. I walked out of my room and into the living room. I took one last look at my home and I walked out the door. I began walking towards the nearest train station and looked at the lands of Duxia.

Duxia primarily has wide open land with a majority of it containing some sort of crop, but in recent years the land has many a people in poverty after the military tried to overthrow the king. As a sort of penance to the people who opposed the king, he enacted a tax against every family of those who involved in the coup. My father was one of the only ones that did not oppose the king: as a result he lost many of his friends and their respect.

The coup happened right after I got out of my mandatory service. I was lucky, because they would've relied on my power as a Mage to help. 

I arrived at the station and went to the office to get a ticket. I stood in a line for several minutes until I was in front.

"Hello sir, where are you going?" The teller asked. I brought out my I.D. and said, "I'm going to Buvia." He chuckled and said, "Are you going there for the Magic Academy?" I nodded and he smiled, "Well, I have a grandson named Grayson going there. He's a bit reclusive and he needs a help, so could I ask you to befriend him?"

"Uh? I could try, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to find him." I said. The teller finished up my ticket and said, "He's hard to not see. He's about your age and maybe a little shorter, but his main feature is his gray hair." I took my ticket and said, "Well if I find him, I'll give him a nudge." He shook my hand and I walked over to a bench and sat. I looked around and saw smoke in the distance, and I stood up. I watched as the train seemed to grow in size as it drew closer and then I heard a loud noise as the train appeared and stopped in an instant.

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