Chapter 6 - Holy Church

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I hadn't felt pain like this in anyway. My left arm flew away to the side.

I groaned in pain and stopped the bleeding. I could feel Sage's emotions, he was worried and anxious.

"Don't do anything stupid!" I yelled at him. 

Rosemary plunged the sword into the ground and placed a barrier around the area.

I grabbed my arm and reattached it with my shadows. My fingers were barely moving and I stepped further back.

Rosemary pulled out her sword and swung again, but his time I had my shield. The impact knocked me back, but I blocked it.

She grinned and spoke, "For a Devil, you are quite durable."

She then relentlessly swung her sword at me wrecking the surrounding environment.

I started pushing back little by little as much as I could. I summoned a sword and slashed at her, however her raw power was greater than mine. I felt my body push into the ground and succumb to her overwhelming power. 

She picked me up and threw me with one hand. "I'm not satisfied with this."

I barely had any energy to pick myself up, but I did. I raised my hand forward and summoned my shield.

She went back to slashing at it until I was back up against a rock wall. 

I slowly poured my Magic into this final technique and I released it.

My shadows encased my body and slowly fit over my torso like armor. I felt better and stood up straight. My shadow armor encased every part of my body and I made a pair of wings to combat her physical ability. I also reinforced my fists and arms with studs and plates. 

Rosemary tilted her head. "Is that the Dark Form?" She seemed confused.

I nodded and she grinned. "This will be a first."

I used my wings and appeared behind her. I thrusted my fist into her stomach. It hit hard and pushed her back a few meters. I then gave her a present.

I relentlessly punched her until I grew tired. She broke free and slashed at me with her sword, I blocked with my plated arm and grabbed her face and pushed her down into the ground. I held her down with my foot on her torso. 

She struggled and tried to push me off. I pushed down harder and I heard a roar. I looked back and saw the Wyrm a few feet away. It slithered towards me and swung its tail at me. I avoided it and let Rosemary free.

"That's odd, I've heard that your Dark Form only happens once your bubbling up with rage, but I don't sense any from you." Rosemary said. 

"Do you want rage?! You already tore my arm off once!" I yelled. My armor seemed to change with my anger and I calmed down. 

"I'd do anything right now, just to see you burning!" She said. She hopped onto the Wyrm and changed her weapon into a bow. She fired several arrows like earlier, but these were much stronger.

I avoided them barely with my wings and the ones that did it were causing my armor to disappear. I noticed an arrow fly towards Sage. He used his flames to avoid it easily.

I was tired of this. I advanced towards her and avoided the Wyrms mouth. The Wyrm seemed to strike at me when she fired an arrow. There seemed to be a connection between the two. 

I swung at her, but was hit by the Wyrms tail. I was flung back to where I was a second ago. I had no choice, but to fight it as well. 

I avoided the arrows and swung my fists at the Wyrm. It was barely doing any damage to it.

Rosemary panted and I felt the barrier around us weaken. I summoned a spear and threw it as I hard as I could at the barrier. It opened and I yelled at Sage, "Get out of here!"

He did and quickly got out just a second before it close up.

The Wyrm swung its tail again and I exerted full power to stop it and then I dug my hands into it.

I grasped the Wyrm by its tail and pulled it. I swung and swung and then I flung it. The Wyrm flew towards the barrier wall and hit it. Rosemary jumped off and summoned her great sword.

I summoned a spear and we went head to head once again. She was starting lack in her power and I took advantage. I disarmed her and pushed back down. I thrust my spear towards her, but held it back. 

"I'm not a cold blooded killer." I explained. "Even if you think of me as a Devil, I'll prove you wrong."

She grinned and laughed, "There's no proving me wrong! I have a personal connection to you Devils!" I lost my train of thought and that's when it happened.

She thrust a sword through my chest. My armor disappeared and I fell onto my knees. The pain felt great, but I could feel and hear everything clear. "I'll bring your corpse and offer it to the God of Light." She screamed. 

I watched her get up and her Wyrm coil up beside her. My eyesight started fading quick and I could hear her muffled voice. "It's odd, how you were able to keep the Form for this long."

My mind went blank and sure enough I felt as though I was dead. I had hoped that there would be an afterlife, but I felt like I was travelling an endless desert.

I was approached by several faceless individuals and asked, "Where are we?"

I couldn't answer them and kept walking.

Sure enough I was rewarded with an interesting conversation.

A faceless woman approached me and told me her life story. 

She then told me about her son, whom she named, "Valian Dark."

I broke down and fell to my knees. 

"Mom, it's me! I'm your son." I yelled.

The faceless woman seemed frightened and calm at the same time. 

"Well, I can't tell if your telling the truth, I can't see your face." She said.

"Mom, remember the time I had cut my hand with the knife. I flinched and then you started crying. I had never known why until a few weeks ago. Then there was that time that you had made a new type of bread and Dad took a bite and asked for it every time after."

"I'm so sorry. I don't remember that." She said.

My heart felt weak. "I've been losing my memories. The only thing I can remember is my sons face and name." She explained. 

Suddenly a horn was blown. 

"Excuse me, I have to leave." She said.

"Mom! Wait!" I yelled.

Suddenly I could feel again and I slowly opened my eyes. I looked around and saw that I was in a metal cage with cuffs on my ankles and wrists. I was inside somewhere and it was on the sea. I noticed someone in the cage next to me. "Hey!" I said.

The man in the cage looked crazy and said, "The dead mans alive!"

He started screaming and the door opened and I was face to face with Rosemary.

"I put a sword through your chest and your still alive?" She said.

"What can I say? I'm pretty hard to kill." I said.

My mind was racing, "How, how am I still alive? I was sure I was roaming the land of the dead. I even met my mother."

She hit the cage bars and shook me back to reality. "I'm going to kill you whatever it takes."

She started to leave, but I yelled, "WHERE ARE WE?"

She looked back and said, "We're on the open seas, I'm taking you to the Holy Lands."

She exited the room and I laid back on the floor.

I remember that on the maps, the Holy Lands is in the far east. Farther away from Ebix and Udes. I would be taken away from my home very far way.


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