Bakugou x Smoking! Reader

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Hello!! This is author-Chan, and I would just like to say if you are triggered by smoking, cigarettes, or smoke PLEASE DONT READ THIS, I don't want any of you to get hurt. Also, NEVER SMOKE!! It's not healthy. As far as background knowledge goes, you and Bakugou are dating, and moved in to a small 3rd floor apartment. That's all, enjoy!!

Y/N got up in the middle of the night because they had a nightmare and went out to balcony. Once there, Y/N took out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. As they lit one and stuck it in her mouth, they looked up the sky and thought to themselves 'Damn, the sky really is nice tonight.' Little did they know that Bakugou was just then waking up, and worried because his partner wasn't in bed with him.

"Teddy Bear...?" He called out wearily, worried that you had been taken by villains. Around 5 minutes later, he went for the idea to check the balcony, he knew you liked to stargaze when you couldnt sleep. He opened the door, and felt a huge wave of relief when he saw you standing there.
"Hey Teddy Bear. Cant sleep?" He got a bit intrigued when he saw a puff of smoke come out over your head. Then the realization hit hit him as you responded with a "Yea, the sky's pretty tonight." He ran over to face you and SLAPPED the cigarette out of your hand and onto the balcony floor. "Teddy Bear, w-why are you s-smoking??" He asked you shakily.

"I-I can explain!" You stated back, kind of scared for the outcome of this scenario. "Then do it." Bakugou practically growled at you. (While on the edge of tears, might I add.) You launched into a ramble about how you started smoking at 15 and that it was a good coping mechanism for you. When he asked what you were coping with you replied with nightmares and panic attacks.
He started getting worried at this point, and it was starting to show. He cut off your rambling by a "C'mon, let's go inside.." You thought he was angry at you, and was going to explode the second the door shut. But when he sat you on the bed, and turned on a lamp, you noticed his eyes were filled with tears about to spill over the edge.
You felt very guilty. You slowly approached him, but he flinched away, as the tears were now spilling over his eyes, and onto the carpet.
He laid down on the bed, and pulled you down with him. "Teddy Bear I want you to throw those things away first thing in the morning." He responded, still a bit shaken that you been smoking. "I- ok.." You mumbled quietly, seeing absolutely no point in fighting with him.
"Good..." he muttered as he went off to dreamworld, with you stuck in his arms.

Hey guys! It's author-Chan again. I just wanted to say thank you for reading and comment what you want me to do next. And I mean write out a mini-scenario cause I WRITERS BLOCK and need IDEAS. That's all for now, bye!

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