Ranboo x GN!Reader

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This is a songfic based off of the song 'Everybody wants to rule the world' by Lorde.

"Welcome to your life, there's no turning back now Mx." The enderman hybrid said to me, all those years ago. Since it was discovered that I was Dreams child, nobody trusted me, and I didn't trust anyone else. I got put in a cell, and lived in that cell for 2 months, before I started hearing footsteps at night. Specifically a little after midnight. After a week of hearing the mysterious footsteps, I called out. "Hello? Is anybody there??" I yelled, scared they Sam would hear, but excited at the prospect of a new friend.

That's when Ranboo unlocked my cell. We got along fairly well, and then one day, he shows with a cape, a pumpkin head, and some other things. Supposedly he was here to 'break me out'. "What? Are you crazy?!" I shouted at him. He laughed. "A bit." He laughed at my sputtering lips, but his expression quickly changed upon hearing Sams footsteps. I quickly fastened the cape, and slid on the pumpkin. I grabbed his wrist and headed towards the exit I've seen Sam walk through oh so many times.

He stumbled, before catching up. Ever since then, nobody suspected anything, and I got a job as a cleaning maid in a castle. "Even while we sleep-" I was cut off by the older, passing maids. One of them whispered to me. "We WILL find you, acting on your best behavior, got it?" I nodded, frightened. Ever since then, I've worked my way up the social ladder. Eventually someone started a rumor that I was Ranboos kid, which spread pretty quickly. Even if Ranboo was just a butler there, it still helped you climb statuses.

A different day, the same maid came by when I was tending to the garden outside, and told me to "Turn your back on Mother Nature." I wasn't sure what it meant at the time, but I sure do now. I flickered my tail, similar to Ranboos, but (insert color) instead. I also had pointy ears that would twitch and flick every once in a while. But it gave me superb hearing, so I didn't complain.

A bang from outside your window filtered into your ears, which flickered at the sudden noise, bringing you back to reality. Looking back for a second more, you saw how far you came, and you were proud of yourself for it. Snapping back to the present, you peered out the window, seeing your kingdom fall beneath you. Ranboo rushed into my room, startled at the very sudden, loud noises. "Mx! You have to hide! I'm not sure what's happening but-" I cut him off. "Ranboo?" He went quiet.

"Yes Mx?" I told him the one thing I'd learned from living here, the only relevant thing I'd learned in years. "Everybody wants to rule the world." I looked him in the eyes, strangely calm. He looked away after about 2-3 seconds. Another explosion shook the building, and he jumped, startled. I try and reassure him by putting a hand on his shoulder, and offering a small smile. My (h/c) hair swept in front of my eyes, blinding me for a moment.

I whispered under my breath a small poem my father had taught me, that faintly reminded me of here and now.

"It's my own design, it's my own remorse, help me decide-" I was cut off by Ranboo, who whispered the last lines with me. "-Help me make the most, of freedom and of pleasure, nothing ever lasts forever." I smiled at him, wider than last time. "How do you know that?" We asked each other at the same time, both going silent for a moment, then bursting into joyful giggles. "Ok" I said. "I know that from my father, what about you?" Ranboo only laughed harder at this. "So do I!" And laughed again.

He looked out over the balcony, and whispered softly, something that only made me grow fonder of him, somehow. "Everybody wants to rule the world..." I looked at him, with love in my eyes. "Ranboo..?" He looked at me inquisitively. I asked him to promise me something, and he agreed, still very curious. "There's a room where the light can't find you." He realized what I meant, and his eyes started welling up, realizing what I meant.

We heard another bang in the distance, I had to make this quick. "If you go down to the very, and I mean VERY bottom of the palace, down the creaky wooden staircase, and take a left, you'll find it." He stuttered for a moment. "I'll get down there, no matter what, okay?" He nodded solemnly, understanding that this was an order from his superior, and he left. Not before shooting me a last glance, to which I responded with a nod, and he slipped through the doorframe.

I peered out the window, seeing almost half the castle gone. Tears leak through my closed eyelids, I couldn't bear to look anymore. But, I reckoned, for old times sake, and took a last peek. I cried even harder, and looked away. I rushed out of the doorframe, attempting to find my friend. His tail was flicking impossibly fast, even for him. I grabbed his wrist as it swung backwards, startling him. I laughed, tears still spilling down my face.

He quickly checked me over, and seeing no injuries, he swooped me into his arms bridal style and carried me down the last set of stairs. I tugged on his shirt as Iran towards an old storage room I had found a few months prior. A few hours later, we heard a very loud boom, and the cobble behind us caved in. I gripped onto Ranboos hand tightly, 'This is it.' I thought to myself, when I saw a shadow rounding the corner.

We were still holding hands, I smiled at how cheesy it was, even if we were about to die. 'Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down.'I thought back to when he mentioned this happening. He whispered in my ear "When they do ill be right behind you, your wish is my command." Still smiling, I turned around. "So glad we've almost made it." I told him. He let go of my hand, leaving me confused. "So sad we had to fade it." He told me. The figure rounded the corner, revealing himself as none other than Tubbo. He stepped over the fallen cobble, standing next to his 'Beloved'.

I grimaced. I scolded myself for not expecting this, for not expecting him to betray me, betray everything we've worked for. Ranboo shrugs and shoots me a smug grin. "Everybody wants to rule the world." My mouth widened at his actions, and I shot up from bed.

I felt a hand tugging me back down, no real force behind it. Heart still pounding, I pushed it away. I may have been a bit harsh with it because (cc) Ranboo sat up, still groggy. "You okay?" He asked me. I looked around. 'This isn't the place I fell asleep??' I questioned. Ranboo must have seen my face, because he answered my thoughts. "Oh yeah! You fell asleep helping Quackity write some more lore for me, so I brought you to bed with me, because I figured your neck might be cramped and I didn't want your neck to hurt for the rest of-"

I cut him off, knowing he was going into tangent mode. "Mk, thank you, you would've been the one to deal with my complaints though." I smiled. I got up, and seeing that Ranboo wanted to ramble made me have an idea. I tugged on his arm. "Get upppppp" he whined. "Noooooooooo." I leaned down, promptly picked him up bridal style, and DROPPED him on the floor. He shot up. "Hey! What was that for??" I giggled, seeing he wasn't really upset. "You wouldn't get up, come get a glass of water with me!"

I walked out of the room, and heard him following me. As I grabbed two cups out of the cabinet, I asked him for a favor. "So, tell me about the history of spatulas. I'm curious, and I'm sure you would know a lot about them!" He smiled, and took a sip out of the cup I'd given him. "Mmmmm! Now a spatula, also called a turner, a fish slice, a frying scoop and over there in-" he hesitated. "-...England a spatula is a very common kitchen utensil." I listened to him ramble for what felt like hours, and we headed back to bed. 'Spatulas for legs, huh?' I thought amusedly to myself, drifting off.

Sorry i was gone for so long, i had some serious writers block AND a ton of schoolwork to catch up on. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 11, 2022 ⏰

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