Chapter 94

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"Aw, I think it's cute that you have a mate," Kiara smiled.

"Uh?" Nakala asked. "Do you have anyone you're interested in?"

That question seemed to hit Kiara out of nowhere. There was an awkward blush on her muzzle. Her paws shifted a bit before she finally gave an answer, "Well, I guess there's someone but I'm not gonna say who!"

Nakala couldn't help but laugh and soon the two of them were walking and carrying on through the tall grass just like before. The subject of their conversation shifted to their claws. Kiara couldn't help but notice how much sharper the lion's claws were compared to her own. She asked how they got that way and Nakala recounted his many long nights trying to climb that old tree. The whole thing sounded ridiculous to the lioness but she couldn't argue that her brother's claws certainly looked strong.

Nakala soon changed the topic by asking Kiara about the other lioness. Kiara chuckled and admitted that she doesn't really interact with them all that much, save for Tiifu and Zuri. Nakala listened as she explained what she usually did. If not with Tiifu or Zira she would wander around the Pride Lands, finding something to pass time with. Sometimes it was gossiping with the antelope and other times it was finding a nice spring to soak in.

Those kinds of things sounded nice to the lion. He couldn't help but wonder if the hyenas would enjoy doing things like that. Knowing them they would rather hunt antelope and savor the pristine waters of the Pride Lands. It was clear to Nakala that the Pride Landers had hardly a care in their lives. They spent each day whatever they felt like and when not doing that they were thinking of what to do next. It was a great contrast to the Outlands. In that land the main topic was survival. Finding food to feed the clan, forming parties to keep a lookout for trouble, and hard work to keep the clan strong.

When the siblings returned to Pride Rock the sun had long since set. Together the felines walked under the moon and the star's glow. Nakala had to admire how pretty the land looked at night. The bright moonlight gave all the plants and even the rocks an aura of shining silver. Kiara watched as her brother was enthralled by simple things such as leaves and large rocks. But she said nothing, remembering her own time spent in the Outlands. She was only there for a single day but what the lioness saw was drastically different from anything in the Pride Lands. With a gentle smile Kiara led her younger brother towards Pride Rock.

Nakala was so entranced by the beauty of night that he forgot to be cautious upon reaching Pride Rock. It was only when he got close enough to see the few lioness wandering around the structure did his awareness return to him. He pressed closer to Kiara, hoping that no trouble would come his way if everyone saw he wasn't alone. A few of the lioness gave him hard stares as he passed and some others started to slowly follow him and Kiara at a distance. This combined with the path leading up the rock becoming closer made the lion's heart race.

Just when it seemed that things couldn't get any worse, Nakala looked ahead of him. Coming down the slope of the great rock was none other than the king himself. On his face was a stern look that pierced through the younger lion's being when they made eye contact. Soon Simba was only a few paces ahead of the siblings.

"Kiara!" Simba called, bounding up to his daughter. "Where were you? It's way past sunset."

"I'm okay. I was with Nakala," Kiara explained, taking a step away from her father.

"Still..." Simba said. In a swift motion the king put himself in between his children, essentially pushing them apart. "I just want to make sure you're safe."

Kiara looked her father up and down before groaning in frustration. "Is this because I was with Nakala? Look at me, I'm just fine! And is that you have all the lioness just wandering right outside the perimeter? You are unbelievable!" Without another word she pushed past the lion and marched up Pride Rock, leaving Nakala between Simba and all the lioness surrounding him.

"I-if anything would have happened out there I would have protected her," Nakala dared to say to the king.

Simba said nothing. He growled and turned tail, following after Kiara. With no orders given to them, the lioness slowly split up and retired for the night as well, leaving Nakala alone. Well, it seemed as if he was alone but the lone alone could feel distant eyes still leering at him. After a shaky sigh Nakala turned around and left for Rafiki's hollow.

"What was that?" Nala asked as soon as Simba was in her view.

"I was worried about Kiara," Simba answered plainly. "It was getting late."

"Simba. Kiara's been out much later than this and you've never done anything like this before," Nala huffed, stepping closer to her mate.

"Well, things are different. There's a risk with her being out so late," Simba stated.

"If you're talking about our son you and I both know-"

"I'm doing this to protect the pride. I'm not taking any risks Nala," Simba huffed, walking past his mate and leaving her alone on the elevated rock.

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