Chapter 74

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The lioness were soon ushering Hani into the den, past the surprised gazes of other lioness. This time, Hani strolled right by the leering gazes and growls as if the lioness weren't there at all. The only one he was concerned about at the moment was Zira. She was the key to his victory over Nakala. Hani was sure that the information would please her as well. Information so valuable would certainly get him high praise. The closer he got the Zira, the higher his confidence soared.

"Hani," Zira greeted. The tone of her voice was soft, almost motherly. "I was beginning to think you forgot about us."

Hani stepped past the lioness that brought him before the pride's leader. The first thing he did was bow his head to her. "I'm sorry that it took so long, Zira. But I could only share what I learned after I found proof of it."

The hyena's words impressed Zira. It made her wonder if everything Cheezi told her was true. There was no way to know now and it didn't matter. Before her was a new spy that was already proving even more useful than the previous.

Hani raised his head, a grin spread across his muzzle, his pearly fangs glistening against the cavern's shadows. "Right now in the Outlands, just outside of our territory, there is a honey badger that has taken up residence," the young hyena explained.

"Hmm, I see." Zira huffed which only made Hani all the more giddy. He knew that the lioness wasn't prepared for what he was about to say. Even though it wasn't the smartest thing to do, the hyena couldn't help but draw it out as long as he could.

"Nakala talks to the honey badger. He's been telling him all kinds of secrets about the clan and how it's run," Hani continued. "It seems I'm the only one other than Nakala that knows of his existence."

"That is strange," Zira nodded. This information was very strange but Zira had a feeling it could be useful. She thought for a moment and an idea came to her faster than she expected. "It sounds to me that the badger has Nakala wrapped around his claws and the foolish lion seems to be all too eager to share all he knows."

She could see Hani's expression change from cocky excitement to one of grim thought. "There is something else," the hyena gulped. "I talked to the badger and he told me that he came from the Pride Lands. He and Nakala knew each other since they were cubs."

Zira's expression changed as well, but to one of determination. "Then it is very clear what is going on. That badger is playing Nakala for a fool. It's only a matter of time before he goes scampering back to the Pride Lands and tells the King everything he's learned."

A gasp came from the listening hyena. The possibility of the badger returning to the Pride Lands never occurred to him. He and Nakala may seem to be working together but now it was clear that Bunga was an immediate threat.

From Zira came a chuckle as she rose from the rock she usually laid upon. With a grunt, the lioness leapt into the air, landing just a tail's length apart from Hani. "But you won't let that happen. Will you?" she asked, her gaze boring into the stunned hyena's.

"I'm sure that you must love your clan greatly," Zira proposed in a once again soft voice. Hani could only nod in response. "Here in the Outlands, brave and selfless souls like yourself are the hardest to come by."

"You must be willing to protect your clan members, even if they don't understand what you are doing for them. In time they will realize the true threat and herald you as a hero. As a leader myself I make many sacrifices for the greater good of my pride. You must do the same, Hani. If your suspicions turn out to be correct then that means you cannot allow the badger to remain with information that can be used to bring harm to your own. You may not be able to stop Nakala yet, but I'm sure you can stop him," Zira preached, reaching a paw forward to lift the hyena's gaze.

"I understand," Hani said firmly, his own eyes gazing into the lioness'. "Oh, and Nakala went to some kind of 'personal mission' all by himself. I'll make sure to keep a close eye on him."

"I am very pleased with what you have told me so far. If you keep this up we won't have to worry about Nakala for much longer," Zira said, removing her paw from Hani's muzzle.

Hani was soon padding through the Outlands once again, his mind already made up. He was going to be the one to save his clan. Soon they would be free from the danger they were unaware of. It seemed that the entire clan praised Nakala's name but Hani was confident he saw through it all. Nakala is up to something, something that the hyena was determined to stop. And he would do it one step at a time, starting with that honey badger.

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