Chapter 6

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It had been over a year since Kion was first brought to the Outlands and put away in the room. The lion had no idea how he avoided a mental implosion. It had been a while since a nightmare invaded his mind. The amount of food he was given had increased just a bit as well. On top of it all he had many more conversations with Scar, some about the hyenas and others about Scar's youth. Despite what was said earlier, Kion had found many similarities between him and his great uncle. The only thing keeping the young lion's sanity intact was the fallen lion's desire to pass on his experiences and teachings to his great nephew. The things Scar told him both fascinated and terrified the golden feline. Was there a chance he could end up losing his way and doing the things Scar did? It was a thought that weaved it's way in Kion's mind and interrupted his thoughts often.

"Scar?" the teenage lion called out, hoping his great uncle would answer his call.

"Yes?" the voice curled into his ears. It gave Kion just a bit of assurance and confidence in what he was about to ask.

"Could I end up in the same path that you did?" he asked.

"Perhaps..." Scar answered honestly. "It is all up to you to either help or harm those around you."

"It's funny," Kion chuckled to himself. "My whole life everyone always told me how bad and evil you were. What changed?"

"I admit that I have made many decisions and many mistakes that I can never take back. Unfortunately it after my death that I realized the error of my ways. I have had many years to reflect on all I have done and regret those things as well. It is that reason that I bring you here. It is up to you to end what I could not," Scar reminded Kion. But the Lion Guard leader was not entirely sure what he was supposed to do or if he even wanted to do it.

"I don't know. If you couldn't do it then how could I?" the lion questioned, more to himself than the listening specter.

But Scar did not answer back. Figuring that he was once again all alone once again, Kion sat back and gave a deep sigh. Being a top the volcano gave the lion a lot of time to learn about the hyenas and how life was in the Outlands. None of it sounded easy or merciful at all. He certainly wanted to help the hyenas but he wasn't sure that he could. Now laying on his back, the lion came to the decision that it would be best to sleep on this.

Kion blinked and looked around. He was in some kind of forest that was very off. Everything seemed void of color. The grass, the leaves and the tree were all different shades of gray. He was going to take a moment to admire it all when he heard a scream of help. Not even thinking twice about it he bolted off in the direction of the cries. The closer he got the louder the screams were and it was just not one voice anymore. It sounded like a whole group was in trouble. The voices were loudest in what looked like an open clearing. Kion stalked his way to it and looked to see what all the screaming was about. Was someone in danger? Were they being attacked? Suddenly the land itself looked like it was changing all around him. Trees were blending together and disappearing, the grass underneath his feet changed texture from a short crop to grass that came up to his shoulders. The bleak tones that painted the forest now were slowly being filled with color. The skies went from gray to an orange magenta sunset. The grass around him became a healthy dark green and the trees that were all around him seemed to be gone entirely except for a few far apart in the distance. Kion scanned his brand new surroundings and the familiarity clicked in his mind, he was in the Pride Lands. More specifically he recognized it was a border of sorts that separated the Pride Lands from the Outlands.

"No! Stop please! Somebody help!" a voice nearby screamed once again. Kion sprung from the grass and charged in the direction of the cries for help. Once he was there he quickly stopped in his tracks and was frozen in place, not understanding but still terrified by what he saw.

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